Anyone WTT for #3?

Jan 4, 2009
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We are currently waiting for #3...just wondering if any other ladies on here are waiting for #3 as well :D
I'm WTT for my fourth child but my first daughter Emily is an angel in Heaven. Nice to meet you. How long are you going to be WTT for?
love Charlotte
So sorry to hear that Hun xxx

We are also technically waiting for #4 as I had a MC at 6 weeks before I got pregnant with my son. Nice to meet you as well!!! We will be waiting til september 2013. I'm excited with everything OH and I are accomplishing before we TTC. How long are you WTT.
Hello! I'm also WTT for #3. We were originally planning to wait a couple of years, but this month I'm late and did a test just to see, and I was surprised at how disappointed I was when it was negative. So we've thought about it and decided to try sooner than we expected. Hubby is about to start a training course so we're waiting until he's settled into his new job, not sure on the exact timescale yet.
I'm waiting to try for #6, but it would be #9 if you count my 3 m/c's (1992, 2008 and 2011).

I am sorry for all of your losses!
We are also waiting to try for #3! :) I have a 3 year old and a 20 month old...they are a handful! :) We are hoping to start trying around the end of 2012 and have a summber 2013 baby. In that time we would like to buy a van, potty train my youngest, and save up some vacation time to help pay for maternity leave. I am a little nervous about the age gap between #2 and #3...I hope that they will all get along well...I suppose we all hope that! :)
My children are similar ages to yours, except my eldest is almost 4! I'm nervous about the gap between #2 and #3 as well. My daughter is so different to how my son was at that age, she's very much a mummy's girl and I'm not sure how she'd cope with a sibling, especially having to share my boobs! Still, a lot changes in a year or so.
Waiting for my cycle to return to TTC #3! If I had my way I'd be pregnant now!
I'm nervous about the gap between #1 and #3. My ds is 6 now. I'd like to start trying next year for an April 2013 baby so he'd be 7 1/2 by the time #3 arrives. My dd will be 3 1/2. The other thing is our lives have been on hold for so long - We want to travel to places that are not great for young children (Botswana, Namibia) and I don't know if hubby will agree to more years of not doing what he wants.
We are also waiting to try for #3! :) I have a 3 year old and a 20 month old...they are a handful! :) We are hoping to start trying around the end of 2012 and have a summber 2013 baby. In that time we would like to buy a van, potty train my youngest, and save up some vacation time to help pay for maternity leave. I am a little nervous about the age gap between #2 and #3...I hope that they will all get along well...I suppose we all hope that! :)

Hey bets83, you and I sound the same, my girls were born 22 months apart. The youngest being born December of 2009. Now she is almost 2 and I plan to start fall of 2012. She will be almost 4 and my oldest almost over 5. It is scary to think of how old they will be. I like my two girls close together but I needed some mommy time and my youngest will be way past potty trained. So I will appreciate starting over. I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
Yes, jessjett, we do sound similar. My oldest is a girl and youngest is a boy. They are just shy of 21 months apart. I have always wanted a big family, but have especially wanted a sister for my little girl. I grew up with two sisters and a brother. I always loved the that I am the one managing the's a little different! ;-) Your little girls are lucky to have each other, especially so close in age! Do you think you will have a fourth close in age to your third? That is something that I have often thought about, so there's not a third wheel so to speak...

freckleonear, I feel the same as you about my youngest. I wonder how he will cope when so much attention will need to be focused on the new baby...I also at times feel guilty about making him the middle child, silly I know, can't help the feeling though! I also tell myself that bringing in another member of the family is an adjustment for EVERYONE! :)

Best of luck to you both, I know that when the time comes we are going to enjoy every moment of having that tiny little baby in our arms again!
Im WTT for number three as well :) 2 are from a previous marriage and hoping to have a child with my boyfriend of 7 years.. Good luck to you all :)
Me :) :flower:

Not sure how long we'll be waiting though, got a few things to put in place first.
I hope that they will all get along well...I suppose we all hope that! :)
I am waiting to try for #3 but if you count my losses then #5. There are lots of us here with losses so sad to see.

I am waiting until September 2012... roughly!
Im waiting to try for #3.
Like mlr.... I have 2 children from a previous relationship. My fiance and I suffered a loss in september. He wanted to wait a little while befire ttc again so Im back here. We brouht our wedding forward and will start ttc the month we get married, April 2012.

Like a few others, my elder child is a girl, the younger a boy and there is 21 months between them.

I love the small age gap and would love to have #3 and #4 close together too. Im nervous about the age gap between #2 and #3. ds will be nearly 4 1/2 by the time #3 is born, at the youngest! Seems like a big age gap.
I would like a smaller age gap this time, there's 4 years between my son and daughter, I would like my daughter to have someone close to play with.

But due to health issues at the minute we aren't able to try yet, but fingers crossed hoping to get a diagnosis soon and then have to start treatment for whatever it is then praying its safe to try while on treatment.

Yep i'm WWT number 3 :) Got two little boys already so hoping number 3 will be a little girl :) My boys are 10 months apart so I don't want a big age gap between the 3 of them
I'm WTT for number 3(or #4 if you count my ectopic at 9 weeks). Hopefullymarch/April next year we can start! I have 2 boys already, 21months apart. My eldest is nearly 4 and my youngest is 2 in Dec. I'm hoping for a little girl next too, we will see :)

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