April 2018 Testers - *UPDATE* 17 BFPs and Counting! Easter Bunny Please Bring Us BFPs

My OPKs arrived today :happydance:
So being as I've never taken one I'm not quite sure what to think. I realise this is negative being as it's not as dark/darker than the control line however does ANY kind of line mean I'm gearing up to O? given my temp rise this morning (will try to put my FF chart into my signature) Although I've only got 2 temps on there so can't really consider it an actual rise yet :shrug:
I *think* I've attached a pic of the opk.. if anyone can shed some light that'd be great :)


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mrsmummy2 - OPKs always have 2 lines, at least mine do. Sometimes that test line is super duper light but always there. So doesn't necessarily mean you're gearing up to O but also doesn't mean you're not either.
So if I take another one tomorrow and it's darker that means O is on it's way at some point in the near future? and if it's the same as today then just take one daily?

I ordered 50 so not worried about wasting :haha:
Yes , test daily until they start to darken up. Then some ladies like to test twice a day (morning and afternoon/evening) to make sure they don't miss the surge.

Everyone is different, mine always stays positive for more than 1 day so I don't really need test twice a day. But I think we're all POAS addicts so sometimes I do just for fun. lol
Mrsmummy mine have no pattern of progression. They will get lighter and darker for no apparent reason then one day it’s positive. Good luck!
Sometimes OPKs will bounce around a bit - they get dark, they get light again, the light might even nearly disappear and then BAM! You get your positive. You'll get a feel for how your body works with LH as you use the OPKs longer. :) But it's not positive until the test line is as dark or darker than the control. Take them at the same time every day, between 11AM and 8PM, for the most accurate results.

Dream - It never hurts to BD one last time after O day, since the egg can still be good 12-24 hours after it's released! Every little bit helps, right?

AFM, I'm definitely in the TWW now. I'm not sure if I'm 1dpo or 2dpo at the moment, but we'll see whether FF gives me my crosshairs tomorrow or Sunday.
Can you put me down for April 20th please. I really hope this is our month ladies! Lots of baby dust and BFPs to all of you!
Hi, can you put me down for April 8th please? On Clomid this cycle so hopeful for a bfp.
Thanks Dill. The unknown is so annoying :dohh:
Good luck... hope this tww flies by and there's a bfp at the end for you!

Still seem to be on and off getting these "cramps" (bit like a weird pinching) which WERE on my left side.. but have consistently been on my right on and off for most of the day today :shrug: I read a few stories online about ladies ovulating 5-10 days after a MC and getting their bfp before another AF was even due to show! Also - the crampy type things are nothing like AF dragging cramps, nor the cramps I had during day 1 of the mc. :shrug: My body is a little confused I guess!!
mrsmummy - our bodies sometimes do weird things after MC for sure. You could be ovulating or maybe its just twitches down there, I would say the negative OPK means likely no O but perhaps do another OPK to see? Are you temping? That might tell the tale as well. Ugh that first month after MC was the hardest because you just want to know and be back to normal and able to predict (as much as you can) what your body will do but there's just no telling, and waiting is so hard.
Welcome MrsP, denensita, and Minnie!

IUI went well today. It didn't hurt quite as bad this time (maybe because I was expecting it?) and then I hardly cramped at all afterwards. Woot!
I think it probably is twitches, but trying to keep optimistic on the what ifs and maybes.
I have restarted temping.. but only yesterday. So just 2 temps on my chart. It did jump up today from 36.26 to 36.64, but obviously this could be completely random as I don't have much to compare it to. May just take another one now just to see :dohh: Looking forward to seeing what my temp does tomorrow ...
Symptom spotting already... 6DPO and for some reason vinegar doesn't seem to have a taste? I had some salt and vinegar pringles, as well as a pickle, and couldn't taste the flavor. Pringles just tasted like potato, and the pickle just had a bland, tasteless taste to it. DH has sampled them both and said they taste just fine. Is it too early to have this kind of reaction?
Didn't expect to be back on the forums this month after my annoyingly long, confusing cycle last month. 35 days compared to my usual 28-31. Wasn't meant to be actively trying again but me and OH dtd yesterday and then had EWCM today for the first time since coming off BCP in november so ovia moved yesterday to my most fertile day so we shall see!
Took another opk... just to see. Line is somewhat darker than earlier.. Not positive yet, but maybe on its way .. fx...


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Just noticed how poor quality the pic is but trying to upload from my phone so had to screenshot to get it to work! Looks slightly darker in person (still not as dark as the control line though)
Jessie...let me know when you're planning on testing!

Mrsmummy...that line is looking good! I hope it all works out for you!

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