I finished my bag and the baby bag today. except my own outfit to come home in. but that is because I really don't have a lot of clothes to wear these days and I kind of need the ones I have and I'm thinking I will still need maternity pants to come home in so that will be last minute. And my makeup and I need to buy a paperback and a couple of magazines. but, his bag is all packed and we live less than five minutes from the hospital so I'm not terribly concerned it will be pretty easy for someone to go get something for me. I also did my phone list, who to text who to call and in what order. and got phone numbers for delivery food written down, his baby book is packed for his foot and hand prints. My husband has his change of clothes, toothpaste and deodorant. I need to get a roll of quarters for the vending machine. It's kind of surreal but my insurance covers two days for a normal birth but four if we end up in a C-section situation so I want to be prepped.