April ladies ...were having our babies THIS month :)

Congrats on your babies Qmama and Redhead.

It's funny how the start of the pregnancy goes by so slow and then you hit third trimester and it's whizzing by just to hit the end and feel like it will never come. :winkwink:

I officially have Braxton-Hicks. No pain, just super tight in my mid tummy region. Last night I was watching a show with DH and my mid tummy would get super, super tight and baby boy would push down and I thought for sure he was going to walk out. :haha:

I hope painless BH means that my labor will be easier. Oh wait, I doubt it. :dohh: :shrug:

I hope you girls can get your babies soon. Being overdue sounds like it's no fun at all.
Brunette I did the same thing last week except I did managevro get up on my own well u had to dh was at work but I was like a beached whale or fish out of water !!

My sister was told she would be induced before due date because of placenta risks after having iui in UK.

I'm getting so confused between this thread and Labour watch thread most of the same ppl. So excuse me if u repeat myself or talk about something going on from other forum!!

I def think baby us moving up and down after being told 2 weeks ago baby was well down and having serious lightening crotch to being told yesterday I was high up and the sudden disappearance of lightening crotch I stood and swayed as much as I could today nothing hectic I still have to get a ball but haven't been to town yet anyway i had really bad period cramps all day and lightening crotch was back with vengeance by 7pm poor dh looked terrified I was in so much pain on and off for 3 hours he thought I would have to go in couldn't get through to him.it wasn't contractions just lightening. And I could not stop peering even while on the toilet I still felt I had to go oh and I was super irritable. But if course by 11pm everything disappeared no cramps, no discomfort, no lightening no urge to per even after a full pint of water. Nothing!!

I did read after 1st (my 3rd) baby can move up and down freeley because pelvis us more open. So it must be up and down if you seen the pain I was in no one could deny baby was way way down!!
Haha. The only part of my induction that I am looking forward to is ending my prodromal labor. The longer I am stuck in it, the more risk to my little girl. I am being monitored every 2 days to make sure she is still safer in than out. I've agreed to it because of how similar the situation is to my son's pregnancy. With him I denied an induction originally and then ended up with one anyway a week later because my body was in too much stress so my bp was up as well as his heart rate. I'd rather not risk it this time.

Though I do hope it goes quicker! :haha: Mine took 18 hours and that's actually considered a good induction. Going in this time though, I know it's not a fun experience and I know what I will do differently.

That is a good induction time! Mine was 36 hours with 3 hours of pushing! When I got to 10CM he was only at -3 station so I had to push him down and then out. It SUUUUUUCKED so bad!
Brunette I did the same thing last week except I did managevro get up on my own well u had to dh was at work but I was like a beached whale or fish out of water !!

My sister was told she would be induced before due date because of placenta risks after having iui in UK.

I'm getting so confused between this thread and Labour watch thread most of the same ppl. So excuse me if u repeat myself or talk about something going on from other forum!!

I def think baby us moving up and down after being told 2 weeks ago baby was well down and having serious lightening crotch to being told yesterday I was high up and the sudden disappearance of lightening crotch I stood and swayed as much as I could today nothing hectic I still have to get a ball but haven't been to town yet anyway i had really bad period cramps all day and lightening crotch was back with vengeance by 7pm poor dh looked terrified I was in so much pain on and off for 3 hours he thought I would have to go in couldn't get through to him.it wasn't contractions just lightening. And I could not stop peering even while on the toilet I still felt I had to go oh and I was super irritable. But if course by 11pm everything disappeared no cramps, no discomfort, no lightening no urge to per even after a full pint of water. Nothing!!

I did read after 1st (my 3rd) baby can move up and down freeley because pelvis us more open. So it must be up and down if you seen the pain I was in no one could deny baby was way way down!!
I read the same! That subsequent babies tend to engage right before birth where first babies usually engage sooner! This baby boy keeps going up and down too but I don't think he's tried to engage yet. But I also don't know what it feels like either since I was induced with #1 at 39w3d due to GD and he was still -3 when I started pushing. :shrug:
Haha. The only part of my induction that I am looking forward to is ending my prodromal labor. The longer I am stuck in it, the more risk to my little girl. I am being monitored every 2 days to make sure she is still safer in than out. I've agreed to it because of how similar the situation is to my son's pregnancy. With him I denied an induction originally and then ended up with one anyway a week later because my body was in too much stress so my bp was up as well as his heart rate. I'd rather not risk it this time.

Though I do hope it goes quicker! :haha: Mine took 18 hours and that's actually considered a good induction. Going in this time though, I know it's not a fun experience and I know what I will do differently.

That is a good induction time! Mine was 36 hours with 3 hours of pushing! When I got to 10CM he was only at -3 station so I had to push him down and then out. It SUUUUUUCKED so bad!

I am so sorry that you went through that! :hugs: Definitely hope that you get a better labor this time around.

I was very fortunate from what I have heard. My pushing stage was only 20 minutes. He was definitely ready to arrive. I am just hoping my daughter will be. I have stopped trying anything other than getting her to turn. All of the natural methods make the contractions 10x worse and they are doing absolutely nothing. I do have an appointment on Tuesday though which is 2 days before and I hope one last sweep will help prepare for Thursday.
I was planning on a nothing exciting appointment this morning. But, guess what? I'm being induced. If he hasn't decided to come on his own before Monday we check into the hospital to get started at 8 pm. I still would like it if he did decide to get a move on. but, there hasn't been any progress in the last two weeks and my doctor doesn't want him to go over due. I'm just small. So, today I..

a. got my car detailed.
b. got snacks for the hospital bag.
c. my dog has been groomed.
d. all laundry is piled up waiting to be washed/ folded.
e. I have called all of our parents and told him that we potentially have a birthday.
f. I have changed my leave of absence to start on Saturday so I have two more short days at work.

I really do want him to come on his own. My chances of C-section are a bit higher than they were this way but I think at this point. I want him out more! there is an end in sight! I am way excited and my husband looks a little jaundice freaked out.. having trouble emphasizing when all I can do is grin.

Why won't your doc let you go overdue? Just wondering, I always find it crazy how quickly people in some countries outwith the U.K. Get induced before they're even due.

Very crampy again tonight, worse than usual, especially down below. Hoping to sleep well! Plenty to do tomorrow!

Good luck brunette! Hope things progress!

I was wondering the same reading about all these inductions! Kinda surprising to me!

were working on the best way to have the safest easiest delivery. -C-section risk is getting to be an issue one way or the other. it's going to be a struggle.

I can understand the concern about the small mother, big baby combination. With my first, there was absolutely no indication that I was expecting a large baby so it was a bit of a surprise when he was born, but luckily I was able to deliver him naturally without any issues. DS2 turned out to be even larger but no issues, so it seems I'm able to handle bigger babies. I'm not tiny but I'd have been concerned still if I knew in advance how big they were going to be.

Good luck with the induction, if things don't start naturally before then.

thanks. It wasn't exactly how I imagined but, we don't get to decide everything so I'm making the most of it.
Haha. The only part of my induction that I am looking forward to is ending my prodromal labor. The longer I am stuck in it, the more risk to my little girl. I am being monitored every 2 days to make sure she is still safer in than out. I've agreed to it because of how similar the situation is to my son's pregnancy. With him I denied an induction originally and then ended up with one anyway a week later because my body was in too much stress so my bp was up as well as his heart rate. I'd rather not risk it this time.

Though I do hope it goes quicker! :haha: Mine took 18 hours and that's actually considered a good induction. Going in this time though, I know it's not a fun experience and I know what I will do differently.

That is a good induction time! Mine was 36 hours with 3 hours of pushing! When I got to 10CM he was only at -3 station so I had to push him down and then out. It SUUUUUUCKED so bad!

I am so sorry that you went through that! :hugs: Definitely hope that you get a better labor this time around.

I was very fortunate from what I have heard. My pushing stage was only 20 minutes. He was definitely ready to arrive. I am just hoping my daughter will be. I have stopped trying anything other than getting her to turn. All of the natural methods make the contractions 10x worse and they are doing absolutely nothing. I do have an appointment on Tuesday though which is 2 days before and I hope one last sweep will help prepare for Thursday.

Yeah you def got lucky!! I hate people like you lol yours was for sure ready to come! Mine wasn't, at all lol I don't think this one is ready nor will be be anytime soon lol I'm convinced I will go over and have him last week of the month. Idk why, just a feeling I have! I'm am glad to have a natural labor this time vs an induced one tho! I feel like I missed out last time since it was so long and slow moving and sucked at the end :shrug: I'm just worried about shoulders because that was a problem with #1 ; my MW had to twist and turn him and pulled him out Superman style with one arm out before his head so he'd fit thru my narrow birth canal (so those who don't think you can birth a bigger baby, you can! It's most definitely possible!) I don't want an epidural but think I'll end up getting one in fear that will happen again. Oh well, as long as he gets here safely!

Have you checked out spinningbabies.com for ways to get baby to turn? Mine started back to back and still came out that way despite having to turned all kinda ways to get him out lol back labor sucks too! I hope yours turns!! And hope the sweep gets things moving!!
Yeah you def got lucky!! I hate people like you lol yours was for sure ready to come! Mine wasn't, at all lol I don't think this one is ready nor will be be anytime soon lol I'm convinced I will go over and have him last week of the month. Idk why, just a feeling I have! I'm am glad to have a natural labor this time vs an induced one tho! I feel like I missed out last time since it was so long and slow moving and sucked at the end :shrug: I'm just worried about shoulders because that was a problem with #1 ; my MW had to twist and turn him and pulled him out Superman style with one arm out before his head so he'd fit thru my narrow birth canal (so those who don't think you can birth a bigger baby, you can! It's most definitely possible!) I don't want an epidural but think I'll end up getting one in fear that will happen again. Oh well, as long as he gets here safely!

Have you checked out spinningbabies.com for ways to get baby to turn? Mine started back to back and still came out that way despite having to turned all kinda ways to get him out lol back labor sucks too! I hope yours turns!! And hope the sweep gets things moving!!

I am happy that you do get to go natural! I imagine it is a lot easier on your body. Definitely an impressive story about your son. Your midwife saved the day! <3 I will most likely get an epidural again but I will still play it by ear. I do know I want to wait until after my water goes.

I have and so far no luck! She's a stubborn girl :haha:
Getting him here was definitely memorable! I'm SOOOOO thankful for my MW! When he got stuck i was literally SCREAMING for a c section but she knew beforehand how adament i was about not wanting one unless one of us or both were in actual danger so she ignored my 12 requests for a section in the 45 mins he was stuck :haha: I'm sure many OBs would have taken me for a section! That's one of the other things on my list to ask my OB tomorrow - if a similar situation happens this time, how will he handle it. I need to know and I need him to know that we can get him out, he just has to be willing to work for it if this one has broad shoulders too lol I can handle it, obviously. Hopefully having a doula will help too, with the pain management aspect since I wanna try no epi, but not sure if I can. I only made it 19 hours and to either 3 or 4 CM before getting one last time but that was also an induced birth so I think (someone tell me if I'm wrong!) the contractions may be different if natural. My son broke my water right after I got the epi, before it kicked in. He kicked really hard and I felt it splash against my leg so had hubs check and his reaction when he lifted up the sheet was HILARIOUS! His eyes got really big and he gagged a tad and RAN to the door hollerinf NURSE! NURSE! :haha: :haha:
Baby boy has been a little quiet today. If I wasn't just in the hospital yesterday being monitored and have my check up tomorrow morning at 9:45 I probably would have went to be monitored.
Well had my appointment today.
Left feeling super deflated, im not dilated at all so i couldn't get my sweep :cry: bubs head is still quite high, she could push on it but was difficult to reach, cervix is soft but high and posterior.
Induction booked for Wednesday if shes not here by then. Ctg or what ever is called on Sunday and ultrasound Wednesday morning to make sure all is ok. Im pissed off because the whole point of the ultrasound is to make sure all is ok and if not induction right away, bit pointless if i have to wait until Wednesday. Lady was pissed at me because she couldn't even really fit me in for the Wednesday and i need it done on Monday at 41 weeks! I just hope i don't have to go to any of these appts and she arrives on the weekend.
They booked me in to be induced at 40 weeks when I went for my 12 week scan and appointment with the consultant. Our baby is the result of IVF. They explained that the placenta can stop working (more cases with IVF babies) and thus a risk of still birth. They won't take that risk so either baby arrives by then or induction it is. I'm just trusting they know what they're doing.

This interesting to hear, we conceived my ds by IVF and never was it mentioned that placenta could stop working. We had a growth scan at 34 weeks which also checked fluid, cord etc. The only reason I was to be induced (which they didn't decide until 41 weeks) was because my bp was high but I ended up going into labour myself the night before after I had a sweep anyway x
Misscalais sorry your appointment was disappointing :hugs: at least you now have an end date in sight

Interesting responses re intervention responses in other countries. I'm on my phone so cannot quote any but did read. Very interesting.

Personally, I'm more worried about needing to be induced than any situation leading to a c section. The thought of needing my baby's eviction to be kick started for me fills me with dread. I went 12 days over with Maci, had two sweeps that did nothing, was due to be induced 8am the Monday morning and she came naturally at 00.23am day of induction. I guess I just feel like my body is made to be carrying babies and I remember feeling like I'd be "failing" if it didn't go into labour itself. Thankfully I did, and hoping for the same this time.

I guess my issue with inductions Before 41 weeks (unless for medical reasons) is I believe forcing your body to do something it's not "ready" to do yet is more likely to lead to issues requiring more monitoring and intervention. Not good for mum or baby.

That's my sprawl for today :haha:
I didn't sleep great last night. Was in a lot of pain cramping and my back is still very sore this morning. Also have a pain at the left hand side top of my bump where I know baby is. Think it could be muscular though. It's like a stitch, but worse. Also feeling very sick this morning and a "popping" sensation is my pelvis. Little miss is moving lots so is obviously happy!

Nice sunny day here, going to get the washing done, take the kids to the park I think, tidy up, kids have dentist appointments this afternoon then my dad is taking me to collect my - babies- pram, play mat and bath from Mamas and Papas this evening.
Misscalais sorry your appointment was disappointing :hugs: at least you now have an end date in sight

Interesting responses re intervention responses in other countries. I'm on my phone so cannot quote any but did read. Very interesting.

Personally, I'm more worried about needing to be induced than any situation leading to a c section. The thought of needing my baby's eviction to be kick started for me fills me with dread. I went 12 days over with Maci, had two sweeps that did nothing, was due to be induced 8am the Monday morning and she came naturally at 00.23am day of induction. I guess I just feel like my body is made to be carrying babies and I remember feeling like I'd be "failing" if it didn't go into labour itself. Thankfully I did, and hoping for the same this time.

I guess my issue with inductions Before 41 weeks (unless for medical reasons) is I believe forcing your body to do something it's not "ready" to do yet is more likely to lead to issues requiring more monitoring and intervention. Not good for mum or baby.

That's my sprawl for today :haha:
Thank you! I hope you get some good sleep soon!
I lost a teeny tiny more plug today but it's still not bloody in the slightest. Pelvis hurts so much. She's well and truly into my pelvis now so not that surprising.

Going for a walk later so hopefully it'll do something? I don't have high hopes though. I'm beginning to think my body doesn't know how to go into labour naturally :nope:.
I lost a teeny tiny more plug today but it's still not bloody in the slightest. Pelvis hurts so much. She's well and truly into my pelvis now so not that surprising.

Going for a walk later so hopefully it'll do something? I don't have high hopes though. I'm beginning to think my body doesn't know how to go into labour naturally :nope:.
As frustrating as it is your body probably does know how to do it, its just not ready yet. Hopefully you will have bubba soon! I am feeling so fed up but i know i generally go over. 5 days with my 2nd and 8 days with my 3rd.
For me the hardest part is the not knowing when, i don't want my water to break in public and i don't want my DH working for away etc. ( and of course all the horrendous discomforts! )
I lost a teeny tiny more plug today but it's still not bloody in the slightest. Pelvis hurts so much. She's well and truly into my pelvis now so not that surprising.

Going for a walk later so hopefully it'll do something? I don't have high hopes though. I'm beginning to think my body doesn't know how to go into labour naturally :nope:.

You are just one day over hun! Anytime between 38-42 weeks is "normal" ; don't get stuck on your EDD, they are just estimates! Trust your baby and your body! Baby will come when ready
So my doctor was able to get me in to see a cardiologist today for an EKG. I doubt they'll find anything though unless I have a palpitation while they're doing it, but we'll see. I had surgery back in June for my gallbladder and had another EKG then, and they didn't find anything. I'll update after my appointment though. I'm just hoping for good news that doesn't involve an induction or anything like that. They told me that the baby is fine though, it's just a problem with me so that's good.

On the bright side, even though Alex dropped a few weeks ago, he's really dropped today! The women at work are all commenting about it and I hadn't even noticed! I did notice that my pelvis was hurting more today and I was crampy, but I thought it was because I was doing things around our apartment all night last night, not because his head was down there. Either way, it's making me more and more excited!
Powell-One of my best friends said her natural labor and induction were nothing alike. Her natural went slower but she said it was much more manageable. Your husband is hilarious. :haha: When mine broke I had been bouncing on the labor ball. I flooded the room! My husband and mom grabbed their shoes and ran on top of the couch. They had to call a janitor up to clean it. :rofl:
I am beyond tired today. Contractions were ridiculous last night. I rolled around just crying until they finally eased up. I just do not understand why they feel so real and yet do nothing to help me along. :(

Really looking forward to nap time so that I can get some rest.

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