It's looking like I have to have a blood transfusion later tonight. Sebastian is becoming an amazing eater I'm going to try and feed him again in just a minute. He is amazing. Incredible. Worth all of the complications and scary moments.
I had my 39 week check up this morning. 2 1/2CM and 80% effaced. Uterus measured 36 week so she did a growth scan and baby boy is in the 7th percentile so she diagnosed IUGR and wants to induce Monday morning. I'm at the other hospital now to get a second opinion before I make a decision
Freaking out
Well thats me in and strapped up to monitor before they check where im at before beginning inducement xx fingers crossed xx
Checking in! The bulb fell out and my waters went with it! Thought I had to pee, got more than I bargained for. They are letting my body do it's own thing and we will see how I progress! 5cm dilated and no need for pain relief so far. Last time it took 8 hours for my water to go. This time it took 3 hours and 10 minutes!
Lydia is having glucose issues. She's headed to NICU for treatment. Was told her shortest stay would be two days if she takes to treatment right away.
I had my 39 week check up this morning. 2 1/2CM and 80% effaced. Uterus measured 36 week so she did a growth scan and baby boy is in the 7th percentile so she diagnosed IUGR and wants to induce Monday morning. I'm at the other hospital now to get a second opinion before I make a decision
Freaking out
Oh ladies lots of activity on here
Christie, I hope ye are all ok x
Steph we are 4 years today and I just realised through Facebook that a friends anniversary is today too! I was texting another friend about us going for dinner and she said have dessert first, wasn't sure what she was raving about but them she said she is still raging she never got her brownie. Yes she went into Labour during her main course and baby was born 1hour later!! But thankfully I got through dinner ok and no signs of anything since! I am meant to be on hunger strike tho I'm terrified of pooing in Labour silly I know but the thought if it fills me with more dread then Labour!
Hellojello, all contractions are good hopefully moving baby down further!
Kay u are so funny exactly like me again cereal and baths are my life right now!!
Hopeful cat. Fx this is it for u and all goes quickly and smoothly!
Sweet tart, 5cm wow I was screaming in a wheelchair when I got to hospital with ds2 and was only 4cm I couldn't open my eyes with the pain!! Go u!!! 😁
Everything very quiet over here, no signs and symptoms of labor or anything progressing, no more heavy feeling or pressure either. Guess that's good and I'll make it to 41 weeks.
I did the math and it's been two weeks since I fractured my ribs...this sure takes time to heal. Feels better but labor right now does not seem possible..
Lydia would not nurse for me tonight. She has only been on a glucose drip for the past10 or so hours. She needs to start eating before they wean her off. I did get a bunch of pumped ccolostrum for her so hopefully she takes that tonight.
But now Ella is having glucose issues. Im waiting to see if she'll need to go to NICU too. They were supposed to retest her 25 mins ago. I haven't heard anything back yet. Im taking that as not a good sign. She's is a better eater though. I'm having a really hard time with my babies being sick.
No need to induce me. Second opinion came back at 20%th percentile. Which makes me feel all the more better about my decision to change where im delivering last minute and confirms my not trusting my current docs. The good hospital is having me come back tomorrow for a more in depth scan vs a growth scan they did today. I feel sooo much more comfortable at that hospital and my treatment!
Just wanted to share that Quinn is doing great. Unfortunately I got the news that the heel prick test showed positive for vclad - a rare genetic disorder. We retested today & we're seeing specialist next week. We're praying it's a false positive, and if not, we're happy it's been discovered so early so we can manage the condition.
He won't be able to break down fat fr energy, so he doesn't have a back up, especially when he gets ill he will need IV glucose.
We will know fr sure next week if something is wrong... Feeling very nervous.