pineapple? on pizza? WRONG *makes vomity noises*
ok ladies I'm fed up
I'm full term today which makes me smile but I'm fed up of being swollen (today my hands and feet are swollen, neither bad but enough to get on my nerves), I had ANOTHER nosebleed yesterday which was only tiny but enough for me to not feel safe being anywhere without a massive stash of tissues/loo roll
I hardly slept again last night until about 6am, this is making me tired and so crotchety its unreal. My house is a tip, my car is a mess, my bath needs cleaning before I can have a bath.
Baby hasn't made the slightest effort to even begin to get into position for birthing, it's not just not engaged, it's not even thinking about it.
*throws something to see if that makes me feel better*
*it doesn't so I'm off back to bed*
I should be protesting today, and given the grump level of me at the moment the coppers wouldn't have a clue what hit them, but I don't think waddling around London this pregnant is such a good idea