Cottles - Toby is simply adorable :3 How cute! x
MissFox - Id share my easter egg with you if you lived closer lol. I crave chocolate too so always have easter eggs in lately xD
Emmys - Thats great that you got a new date sorted!
Bet youre excited now eh! Hope it all goes fabulously
MooMoo - Fantastic news from the scan
I watched OBEM... that girl at 2cm O_O omg. Im apparently at 2cm today and Im in nowhere near as much pain as that haha! Her pain threshold must be terrible!
Caro - FX'd the sweep sets things off for you!
I think I should go to bed soon incase things set off tonight.
Since the sweep Ive had a fair amount of blood and omg it was definately my plug lol. It looked like a red slug or something. Tmi sorry but yeah it was absolutely gross haha. It came out like when I whiped and I thought my insides where falling out and panicked and shouted my mum xD
Ive had shows before but never anywhere near as much as that come out!
Had quite a few pains too but not regular. Or if they are regular then Im not very good at timing xD