He is just delicious caro
Gem - He will be with you soon, lovey. Take care of you while you have a little time x
Hope you other ladies are progressing nicely <crosses fingers> Flipping frustrating isn't it?
Consultant this morning, the first time that Pickle has behaved and hasn't been flipping around all over the place. He's head down and although he isn't
very low, his head isn't free of the brim, so doc thinks that he may stay this way now.... pretty please little guy. Because he has been so quiet compared to normal I had to have another trace. He promptly woke up and kicked the hell out of the sensors for the next 20 minutes, so he is doing just fine
I do have really swollen fingers, a vague headache and protein in my piddle though, so think I'm going to have to keep a close eye on things. A couple of contractions here and there but genuinely not getting my hopes up, been there too many times and it only frustrates me when it all settles back down again.
Another family party tonight (my family is massive), so I'm hoping that my waters don't go!
Right, caesar salad for dinner with some nice fresh crusty bread and some cornichons... Love to you all x