My lo is 19 days old... hes been on aptamil and since birth been feeding every 2 hours having around 4 oz each time. For a week now hes been so unhappy screaming and going stiff, the midwife told me its colic to try infacol and at this stage feed him when hes hungry. I took him to the docs last week after a terrible night who ore or less said the same but to try dentanox!
Yesterday my health visitor came, i answerred the door screaming baby and bottle in arms and just passed him to her and broke down lol..
ANYWAY!! She thinks hes not satisfied by aptamil and is over eating causing tummy pain so told me to switch to cow and gate first stage, from yesterdaty she wants me to add 10 or 15 minutes between each feed and get him up to 4 hour gaps! So so hard through the night trying to calm a screaming hungry child! Anyone had this problem???
Yesterday my health visitor came, i answerred the door screaming baby and bottle in arms and just passed him to her and broke down lol..
ANYWAY!! She thinks hes not satisfied by aptamil and is over eating causing tummy pain so told me to switch to cow and gate first stage, from yesterdaty she wants me to add 10 or 15 minutes between each feed and get him up to 4 hour gaps! So so hard through the night trying to calm a screaming hungry child! Anyone had this problem???