Arrival of Elliott Jason 26/03/10


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2009
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Well having gone past my due date at Term +10 (wed ) I went to see my MW and she attempted another sweep and wasnt sucessful but my cervix had changed to be slightly softer and more favorable since the week previous although was still high and back, Elliot was about half engaged they couldnt decide if it was 2/5 or 3/5 between the mw's. anyway at the end of the appointment she had to go back to the hospital and book me up for induction for Friday, she called me later after checking my 34wk blood test results and said i needed to start taking iron right away as my level was 9.4 and she was furious that nobody had called to tell me that it was low when the results came back at first, Anyway she left me waiting on another call from the Antenatal ward to finialise induction time, and when the call came they couldnt fit me on Friday so I had the choice of Thursday night ( was about 5pm wed by now ) or waiting till Sunday and I wasnt in a emotionally stable enough state to take 4/5days more of pelvic pain and stress and being fed up of being pregnant so opted for Thursday night and was to head up to the unit for 9pm,
So started organizing childcare for Nate for the time i was in hospital as i didnt know how long I would be away I found people to cover till Sunday at least. and I repacked my hospital bag a couple of time and put more nappies and clothes in for Elliott.
Thursday night finally rolls around and Mike arrives home cooks me dinner and then we head up to the hospital, during Thursday Id had some of my show start coming and BH all day long which was promising for the induction working and working quickly, my pelvis was very sore so i was standing in the reception at the Maternity Unit rocking back and forth to try and keep Elliott head down and in a good posistion and keep my pain from getting worse as i knew i was in for a long night, 2 ladies were there in labour waiting on beds in delivery and I found out the Antenatal ward was full so they were cleaning one of the 4bed post natal rooms for those booked for induction that night, Finally made it onto the unit and got settled, by 9.30 i was getting checked and she gave me the pessary at about quarter past 10 and left me for an hour then came back and put me back on the monitor to see what was happening. I started getting mild not very painful contractions so sent Mike home and settled in with my book to wait for things to happen.
about 1am i had put down my book caus when contractions came ( about 4-6min apart ) then i couldnt concentrate so called the MW and asked her to run me a bath, Had to walk the length of postnatal and the MW unit to find a room with a bath that worked that didnt have somone in it and had my bath the water really helped me deal with the contractions. Got back to my bed and got the MW to help me by putting my TENS on and then she left me to get on with it, tryed reading again but no luck so was walking back and forth around my bed or sitting on the edge of it rocking back and forth as I didnt think my pelvis would cope being on the Ball, at 4am went out and whinged at the MW who gave me some co-dydramol and said i was doing well but to try and sleep if i could, As if i could sleep through contractions coming every 3-4 min that were making me moan in pain and forcing me to breathe through them, found a new technique of breathing out and relaxing everything starting at my boobs and going down letting the pain glide out but found it ment i was eventually tightening my thigh muscles but it did make them easier to bear. 5am rolled around and I buzzed the MW in and begged to be examined so she stuck me on the monitor for a little bit and watched me go through several contractions while she monitored Elliots heartbeat to see how he was coping then she examined me and found I was 5-6cm and my waters were bulging near to bursting but she didnt break them caus she didnt want me to be in needless pain and they didnt seem to be slowing me down lol since in 7 hours I had gone from less than 1 cm dilated but soft and posterior to 5-6cm. She left me and I called Mike it was about half 5 at this point and woke him up to come back up to the hospital and then while working through a few more contractions and putting things into my bag as they had space to put me down on the MW suite to deliver, I called the Babysitter and she was awake and came right over to relieve Mike who arrived up at the hospital just after half 6, I meanwhile had moved to the MW unit and was using the Gas and Air to work through my contractions as my TENS wasnt working and i was now contracting every 1 1/2 -2min, had to explain to the new mw about my spd and that she had to examine me on my side which she refused to do but she felt Elliott through my tummy and said he appeared high and told me my bladder was full ( it wasnt ) and that i had to go empty it, she was standing filling in my charts when Mike arrived and helped me through another couple of contractions and then I decided to try going to the toilet as i was getting alot of pressure so Mike helped me off the edge of the bed and i went to the bathroom, no sooner did i get my underwear off and sat then pop my waters went and i put my hand down caus i felt the urge to push and found Elliott basicly crowning, This was in the middle of a contraction and i screamed for Mike and the MW who came and helped me get back to the bed. i saw a student MW out of the corner of my eye but got up onto the bed on my side and told Mike to hold my leg and grabed the gas and air back , the MW yelling at me to stop and do nothing just to breathe while she got the delivery pack open and her gloves on then asked me if i minded the Student doing the delivery, I couldnt have cared I needed to push so said yes and quickly instructed them before the next contraction hit that i wanted a physiological 3rd stage and bang there was the contraction and i pushed and nearly had him in one go but got told to slow down so i didnt tear, 5 pushes later and he was here at 6.58am , I had had to put my hand on my stomach to tell when the contraction was as i was taking so much Gas and Air I couldnt tell. When he arrived Mike put my leg down and passed him up to me and i rolled onto my back , wiped Elliotts face and put him straight to the breast as soon as i could get my nightie out of the way, Had to tell another MW not to stab me with the darn hormone needle and introduced myself to the student MW while Elliott started nursing, the MW's started having a chat about how a physiological 3rd stage happens and tidying up as when Elliots head had been delivered it came with a flood more water and then again with his body. and there was a huge mess everywhere caus they hadnt even managed to get more than one absorbant pad under me before the birth. I nursed for a while then the cord stopped pulsating and it got clamped and Mike got to cut it. then the contractions to deliver the placenta started and with 2 pushes it was out and HUGE they had to find a bigger container for it as the one they had was too small lol, they changed the lower half of the bed under me and the MW's shift changed and I got introduced to the new ones as they came in, I gave Elliott to Mike and the second MW checked me and found my 2nd degree tear and got ready to stich me up. while i was being stiched Mike and the MW weighed Elliott and put a nappy on him then passed him back to feed and the MW's decided i was too white and drew some blood to get it checked. spent an hour getting stiched up using the G&A when needed to keep me sane and sent Mike to get me some breakfast from the trolley, Wasnt allowed up for a shower so instead tryed to figure out why Elliott was crying after having had a decent feed , eventually he settled after a few good burps and coughing up lots of mucas, and we just enjoyed being the 3 of us for a while, just before lunch time then Mike went home to upload photos and call parents etc..... and he brought Nate back in at visiting time to see us, In the meantime a student MW had helped me with Elliott and with taking a shower and gotten me lunch, My blood test result came back and I was told i wouldnt be allowed to leave that day as my Iron levels showed at 7.2!! and I sent Mike and Nate home and he put Nate to bed and had dinner himself and got somone to babysit so he could come back to see me, Id meanwhile eaten and been moved to Post Natal for the night.

Thats not the end of the saga but its the end of the Birth story, gotta go feed now
Wow what a night I'm glad it didn't take to long, and glad you're home now and hopefully feeling better. Congrats on the birth of baby Elliot! (I guessed a girl for you, woops :) ) xx
I too guessed you'd have a girl, but did wonder if your LO would be a boy when he was being so stubborn! xx Goodness me, I can't believe he started crowning so suddenly, must've almost given you a heart attack! Hope you recover well hun and so glad he's finally here :) He's so gorgeous xx :hugs: Well done
Congratulations and well done you! xxx
Congrats again- well done to you!!!
EJ is gorgeous. xx

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