Ashton-Luke (Baby number 5!) long sorry!


Mummy of 5! Eeek!
Jul 7, 2008
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Well I guess as I have a few spare minutes it's time to write Ashton's birth story.

Ashton Luke Fredrick born July 22nd @ 1:46am 7lb 3oz.

Wednesday 21st July ( 37 +2 weeks pregnant)

I had noticed baby wasn't moving so well over the last couple of days and had a huge increase in discharge.On Wednesday morning (9am) I hadn't felt anything so I rang midwife and was asked to go in to be monitored.This sounds awful but I couldn't go.No car and no one to take me so I asked her to come to me.She popped out and all seemed ok.Heart beat was strong and he did do a few kicks all be it pathetic ones :haha:

I then had this urge to get the house spotless,get all the washing done and go do a huge food shop.For some odd reason I put my make up in my handbag and topped up my phone ( instinct taking over) Well I did it all and had felt baby wriggle so felt more happier.

At midday I picked up my 3 year old from school and made lunch.I had a few more kicks but noticed my lower back had started to throb.I had lower back ache all week so I put it down to cleaning and shopping.

At half one me and OH took the girls to the local childrens centre for stay n play.They were well away and I was chatting to another mum saying I had ages yet and that I still had things to do when I felt a mild stabbing pain.Again I blamed the mad cleaning and shopping session.Abi the youngest had toddled over to the sand pit so I bent down to take her shoes off when I suddenly felt wet down below.I thought oh crap I've wet my self and nudged OH and said I need the loo.As I stood up I felt another gush and then I realised my waters had gone.:shock:

I made my way to the loo and had another gush.I burst in to tears as I knew I had to get to hospital asap as I am a Group B Strep carrier and usually within an hour of my waters breaking baby comes (Only once had my waters gone on me and 2 hrs later my daughter was born.The other 3 I had contractions 2/3 hrs before then waters broke to have baby in my arms an hour or so later) So urgency was upmost.

I came out of loo to be mobbed by people.Big mouth OH had told some one and it went round the centre like a game of chinese whispers! :blush: Luckily in the centre was the midwifes office so she helped me out and shoved a newborn nappy in my knickers :wacko: She offered me a lift home but it's a 5 min walk so I said no i'll cope.Now I wish I had said yes as on the way home I managed to soak myself.My poor girls were really confused!

We got in and it was all systems go_OH rang his brother to come get us but he was working so I rang my mate who is 34 weeks preg and on maternity leave.She said she'd get me in half hour.I wasn't in pain but still upset that time was ticking.She then rang back and said her bloke had her car! I was about to ring 999 as I was told to do by my midwife when Hannah rang again and said she had her car back.The plan was drop me at the hospital and get the girls to Oh's brothers where his GF was waiting for us.My friend bless her had roped in her best mate and they both drove to me in separate cars.Hannah was to take me to hospital and her mate Louise was to take the girls with OH to his brothers and then get back to me asap.

We then realised we hadn't packed the girls things so we ran all over the house packing stuff up.OH had to go in loft to get travel cot.I filled bags with toys,clothes,food and dvds.Both girls were sat in sitting room just staring at us thinking we had lost the plot! Luckily the older 2 were at there dads.

I then realised I hadn't told my beautiful August mummies on here what was happening so I sat down on the comp and did a announcement on facebook,and on the thread.I then chatted to a friend on MSN.OH went mad saying are you nuts?But my mind was all over.I completely forgot the urgency but tbh what could I do?I had to wait for my friend!

Well they finally came and off we went.It was really odd saying bye to the kids.Half way there I had a text from OH sayin I hope I make it in time.Cue the tears! It then hit me.My poor friend was quaking in her boots as she has all this to come :haha:

We got to delivery and there was 4 ladies in front of me.The midwife came out and I told her my story (fibroids,strep and cyst)She then rushed me in to a room and the other ladies went mad.I said sorry to them and felt like shit but I needed my antibiotics.I was still getting no pain.

Another midwife came in along wth a student midwife and they got on with the job in hand.One tried to insert a cannula to no avail so had to get someone else in.She then started the antibiotics much to my relief at 5pm.3 hrs after my waters had gone.

OH finally arrived and Hannah left us.She had a good look around first though and asked loads of question and took leaflets home.So at least she learnt something!

I was still getting no pain so it was just a waiting game.3 hours later the midwife decided enough was enough and I need to be started off properly.Cue the hormone drip.I was petrified as I had this before with my son and it was the worst labour ever.An hour later I had a few contraction like pains 3 mins apart and I was managing ok with breathing.she had it on 8mls and I told her no sorry growled at her it stayed at that and no more! But suddenly the pain got immense and OH said she had she put it up to 24 mls.The little bugger (midwife) had been sneaking past me and putting it up gradually without telling me!

At 11pm babys heart beat had dipped so they put a clip on his head.She also did a quick sweep and checked my cervix.It was only 2 cms if that.I had a wire coming out of my foo foo,tube in one hand for the antibiotics and another attached to a monitor.Very attractive,They asked me to pace the corridors to get my cervix dilating.Mmm yeah right drip one side monitor the other and a tube coiming out of my bits bloody easy to pace aint it :haha:

I kept getting the wires tangled up so I said bollocks I'm sitting down and bang it all stopped no pain nothing!The midwife siad right you either walk or I turn up drip :growlmad: So I comprimised I stood up and rocked! The pain came back but mild.

We decided to look through mummy and baby magazines and chose what baby we would have if we could have a desinger baby :wacko: The student midwife said she needed a sperm donor as her hubby is ginger and she didn't want ginger kids! OH was wetting himself!He amused himself doing all the cross words in my magazine.

All of a sudden I got my 1st real contraction :happydance: It had just gone midnight and I was so tired.The midwife was hovering by me and I thought she has turned up the drip again the cow so I went to moan at her when I was caught out by another contraction.They were every 3 minutes again.The midwife gave me 15 mins and then asked to check me over.I was only 2-3 cms dilated :cry: I thought great long night ahead.The midwife whacked up the drip again and oh my god I knew about it! Then the nerves kicked in and I begged for an epidural as I didn't want a repeat labour as I had with my son.The pains were coming thick and fast and I was losing control.The midwife decided to turn off the drip and I was so relived but it was short lived as we soon realised the pain was actually my body in labour not the drip doing it!

It got to 1pm and it was getting really intense and I felt like I needed to push.So was checked again and I was fully dilated!I had gone from 2-3cm to fully in less than 45 mins.

The midwife said right crack on you're old hat at this!So that's what I did.I pushed and pushed.I felt him drop into my pelvis and for some reason I started crying saying I can't do this and got all silly.The room was bloody hot and I was soaked with sweat.At one point the midwife left the room as she had almost fainted.The student midwife kept rubbing a flannel over my neck and face and giving me sips of ice cold water.OH was a bit shoved out as she had took over.

I then got a grip and got on with the job in hand and 3 almighty big pushes later babys head popped out.Oh my the relief was amazing.OH was in tears and kept saying he's coming! One more big push and out popped Ashton Luke :happydance: @ 1:46pm.7lb 3oz.Labour from beginning to end was 1 hr 33 mins !!!!!!!! :shock:This was the 1st delivery OH really saw what was going on and he said it was amazing.

My waters went at 2pm so 12 hours from start to finish but established labour was 1 hour 33 minutes :thumbup:

I had to have gas n air to deliver the placenta and the midwife said take as much as you want as this is your last baby you'll never get it again :haha:

Because I have a fibroid in my womb I had to have the hormone drip on max 125mls to shrink my uterus without the huge risk of bleeding.I did however bleed and had to have some blood so had to stay in delivery suite for 4 more hours.

I latched Ashton on my breast and he happily fed whilst I had my blood and hormone drip.

OH went back to his brothers at 3:30am so he could sort the girls out in the morning.I was on my own then and it hit me I had a baby :cloud9:I had my tea and toast and finally got a shower and went upstairs to a ward.

We both stayed in till Friday lunchtime just in case Ashton showed signs of strep and also to keep an eye on my bleeding.

But we are home now and all is good.I do have pain and it seems I need an operation to remove the fibroid and cyst but I am so happy to have my little man as this pregnancy was a very tough one.

Sorry for the huge essay!Thanks for taking time to read :kiss:

Massive thank you to my bump buddy Carolyn and also to Fedup81 for starting a thread to update people.

My other bump buddy (Mrs P)decided to bugger off and have her baby boy so she was useless ha ha love ya hun and congrats to you again


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oh fabulous! well done you, gorgeous baby boy :cloud9: :hugs:
Such a cutie hun! Wished they stayed like this forever!

I've said it a hundred times already but he is just gorgeous!! :cloud9:

Huge congratulations hunny, you did amazingly :hugs:

So so happy for you guys :kiss:

Thank you everyone xxxx
Congratulations again Zoe, quite an intense 12 hours then! And sorry but I had to laugh at image of you walking home with a nappy in your knickers :haha: :)
Huge congratulations again Zoe. He is utterly perfect, totally gorgeous. Love my little birthday buddy :cloud9:
Zoe, well done you! Congratulations you're little boy is GORGEOUS!!!!! Love your story x
wow if that story wont scare you into going to the hospital asap i dont know what fabulous hon.
Nice to read the story, its didnt sound no where near as dramatic in ur texts!! Bless ya, u did very well, and he is gorgeous! :hugs: x
Awww hun he is gorgeous, massive congratulations to u all xx
Congratulations babes ashton is soooo cute :cloud9:
He is gorgeous hunni! Well done you x x
congrats on your beautiful boy! He's got a lovely name!

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