Re. Food - Omar is very picky he'd live on plain rice if I let him, but I dont. It was hard work to get him to eat a decent diet, I dont offer crap full stop. If he refuses to eat his meal knowing that he ate it before, he doesnt get plain rice it doesnt have any nutritious value other than filling him up, which makes it difficult to offer him any proper food later. I make sure he doesn't snack between meals, he eats 3 meals with no snacks, if he snacks in the afternoon I dont offer him lunch to make sure he eats dinner, if he eats a proper lunch I know he will not eat dinner so I make sure he gets a balanced meal for lunch. If he refuses food all together, I prepare a smoothie with veggies, fruits & some seeds & nuts. But I will never ever give him plain rice only, it takes loads of time & work to get over pickiness, he is still picky, but now he eats over 10 nutritious cooked meals, 2 yrs back he used to eat carrots & green peas stew with rice on the side only. We dont buy processed or canned food, we dont even eat processed cereals.
As for being difficult, I do expect it after a long day out, he gets tired, so he finds any excuse on our way home to make himself miserable, I just tell him I know how you feel, it's ok to be upset but now we left & on our way home we cant do anything about it, how about we do (anything to distract him) at home, & we start to talk about that thing we're going to do, it works most of the time, or we just sing in the car together or talk about something funny that happened earlier during the day.
Bedtime- if he refuses to go to sleep, I reason with him, he gets extra play time but one of his bedtime books have to go, if he uses all his books time playing he doesnt get any books, I cuddle him when he cries & I give him kisses, I also tell him that I do understand that he wants to read books before sleeping but there is no time left as he used it for playing, this is a consequence, not a punishment, he used his reading time for playing, so the consequence no books as there is no time.
I dont take away toys as a consequence unless he's misusing a toy like bumping into furniture intentionally while riding his balance bike or throwing his lego around to tease me.
Cleaning up- we never had issues, but since he was much younger he "helps" in putting toys away once he's done playing, we sing clean up song, we used to race to see who can put more toys away, & so on.
If he doesnt follow I structions like using the toilet or changing to his pj we race, or I count to 100 & see if he can finish before I'm done counting, now he tries to break his record every night
He gets cuddles & kisses all day, but I'm firm, I say no, he gets a cuddle while I explain the reasons, now when he's upset or when he doesn't get what he wants he runs to me for a cuddle with a tiny cry then he feels ok & moves on.
He was a drama queen he used to cry for anything & everything, but I'm always consistent, whining & crying doesnt bother me, I dont give in, now he's older & he understands more things are mucn better than 1 yr back.