home at last
sleep envy here too
but hey it wont be long before we are all getting plenty of sleep
Ryan had his blood test and his levels are 191 so 300 is when they start phototherapy, we have to bring him back next friday for a repeat blood test not looking forward to that
they weighed him as well he is 7 pounds 14 yay an onz away from his birth weight
happy out with that
When we were there a 5 week old baby came in,in an ambulance the mum said she had some sort of fit and stopped breathing, they were feeding her at the time so the nurses thought may be she took milk the wrong way, but the guys in the ambulance told a diffierent story they reported that she was after being shook
the doctor was taking blood from Ryan and asked were the mum was, she left her baby alone to go out for a smoke! nothing wrong with needing a smoke! but I was a little shocked she left her baby alone, her hubby was gone to get paper work as they were admitting the baby! I would have waited till he was back personally, felt so sorry for the wee little thing all alone in a cot in a hall
she had blood on her as well
, the police and a social worker were called so I say more will happen there! so sad