August Mummies 2011 - 28 baby boys, 14 baby girls, and 4 beautiful angels so far xxx

how tired am i :haha:...all good here though, baby Rhys feeding every 3 hours(ish) :happydance:...he never lost any weight at his first weigh in...he actually put on 10g...little chubby monkey! x
Absolutely bloody shattered. We hope to bring Thomas home tomorrow.
:dance::happydance: for Thomas coming home!!


Harrison had his tongue tie clipped yesterday and has made a tonne of progress with feeding already. So much so that we even got a 5hr block of sleep last night after he'd had a good feed and it no longer hurts when he latches on :thumbup:
Yay my little man is coming home finally :dance:

TJW so glad his tongue tie has been clipped xxx
Hi everyone!! How are you all doing?
I'm still really tired from the late night feeds. Still topping him up with a bottle of formula before we all go to bed. He's never happy with my breast then for some reason.
Still can't believe most of us have had our babies now. I hardly remember being pregnant lol.
I hope you're all ok and not too tired.

birth story for those who want to read it:happydance: its a bit rushed, i had to write a line here and there in between feeds :dohh:

not too tired here, enjoying every minute!! xxx
I'm exhausted! I seem 2 be constantly feeding :( its slowly getting better though! LO has to get his tongue clipped so hopefully he will feed better after that! Fed in public today for the 1st time too! Was a bit scared I would expose my boobies 2 every1 and end up in jail! Not quite sure if its the done thing to feed in public in this part of the world especially as its ramadan! But what 2 do!
I am being driven insane by MIL and her suggestions! She apparently fed all her babies herbal tea to prevent gas, gave them all a cup of water a day and they where on mashed bananas at 2 weeks old! Also if not swaddled constantly the baby will grow up with bent arms and legs! I wish she would bugger off!
Ahhh rant over! Hope everyones well! X
Just looked at my photos from the labour room! I wish I had a glam one of me looking good holding the baby like so many pictures I have seen on here! I look tragic! I look half dead, I'm nearly crying with a big redd flannel on my head!
Hi everyone, congrats to all you ladies who've had your LOs so far :) our little boy Tadgh arrived on Monday at 2.04pm. Birth was COMPLETE opposite to what I'd expected! Had been kept in the hospital due to pre eclampsia and they wanted to induce me Monday as Tadgh's heart rate kept dropping - examined me to realise I was 8cm dilated, had no idea! :wacko: Straight down to delivery suite and 19 mins of pushing later and he arrived! No pain relief and was actually a really good experience, still can't quite believe it, I was 100% for getting an epidural! He's home and all, settled in and doing great :) Good luck to those still waiting on their bubs to arrive :flower:


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Nope, had no idea! I really don't know why, they said it could have been the way he was positioned?? I was getting some back pains but nothing unbearable, like when you lift something too heavy and the bottom of your back hurts? Then in delivery suite they gave me a drip to bring on the contractions as they weren't coming then the back pains got stronger but nothing in my bump!
How was he positioned? Thomas was back to back but I was in AGONY. Though to be fair I was in the early phase for 3 days so felt it when the contractions went up a notch. 4 days of labour isn't fun LOL (3 hours 2 minutes established).
I'm not sure what way he was, I've heard of back to back and all that but I could hear 3 of the girls in the delivery suite talking about it - in initials?? One of the women checked and said he was a certain way (could have been R.O.T? No idea what that stands for?) then little bit later another girl checked and said she thought he was a different way (with different initials!)
congrats leann83:yipee:

jade..i love the labour room pics i see,so personal and gorgeous, no woman looks bad after birth...we are amazing creatures!!!we all look perfect after birth in my eyes!:thumbup:
Wow leann - that's great - congrats!!

It makes me laugh, and I forgot how many boys we had! I had thought some of those yellow bumps would have turned pink, but no way!! :)

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