My son is 15 months. He has an assessment on the 10th to see if he might be autistic. The reason his doctor wanted to do this is because I've noticed he doesn't babble as much anymore. He used to say mama and dada a lot but more like mamamama, not actually saying the word. I still here him say dadada often but rarely hear him say mama. He hasn't completely stopped saying it but rarely does. I heard him say mama once last week. He doesn't say any words yet either other than babbling. I haven't practiced any words with him very much though so I'm hoping that's just my fault. Another thing she asked about was if he lets me know when he's hungry/thirsty by giving me his bottle or something like that which he doesn't yet either. He looks when I call his name but not everytime. Sometimes when he's too excited playing or into his cartoons he won't look. He does have a lot of energy and will kick till the minute he goes to sleep lol. He does give big smiles, like to cuddle sometimes, and make eye contact. He likes to play with his cars and seems like he's making cat noises when he pushes them around. I've read that some kids with asd don't like playing with other kids usually around their age. He loves playing with other kids his age or even older even if he doesn't know them. Does anyone else's little one sound the same? All I've been doing is worrying waiting for the appointment to come. I've read that it's sometimes difficult to diagnose autism apart from adhd especially because he's this young. I just want to know what's going on so I know what we have to do next :/