Autumn and Winter 2011 babies...Come on in!

Hello everyone!
I am 43 and this is our first baby together. (suspected MC in Dec..and 2 Step daughters)
I am 17 weeks along and the tiredness and really sore bbs is much better..although my nipples have been increased sensitive this past week.
I have been struggling with sinus/ear and chest congestion for almost 2 weeks. This has put me off work for that time. Going back tomorrow.
We have our anatomy scan in just over a week! They are also doing an an anomoly scan at the same time but I let our OB know I don't want the results. I am not wanting to worry about things..I have enough to worry about...
I have didelphys uterus which means I have 2 uterus' and 2 cervix's...this means I am high risk for preterm labour, low birth weight and high risk for C section. So basically what this means is our little bean is in one of my uterus'. Thankfully the larger of the two, so that is better for growth. The further along I get the higher the the OB will be watching me closely.
I am just trying to celebrate everyday and keep positive and have faith!
ciahwyfar, I whole-heartedly understand the guilt. Though I'm focusing on Amelia right now, I often think if we try again how difficult it could be on bed rest. The Doulas We're going with right now have a service to nanny with such issues, but I can't imagine how much it would cost and would feel funny having someone watch Amelia when I'm right there.:wacko: It's not a priority to think about right now so I'm not even thinking about it much.

Thank you for your encouragement. I feel good about this pregnancy. I haven't lost my mucus plug yet so that's a plus and while I've had bv again, it was taken care of early so I don't have any infection in my system right now which is a far cry from last time. I think we're on a role and I'm just going to keep resting. As you said, it gets boring, but I'm able to get online with my laptop and Doug brought the tv up. I also have many books. I have many blessings to count!

2Gr8, I had acid reflux in the hospital a month ago and it was just awful. I can imagine what your going through is a pain.

Tova, I was thinking when I first read your comment that it would be an added protection to have two of each. In case one doesn't work the other would compensate, I guess that's not how it works at all though. Sounds like it's pretty scarey for you at times but I'm grateful things are progressing nicely.:thumbup:
hello everyone, I am 36 and I'm 20 + 1weeks. I have 3 children and had a mis last august but feeling good at moment. had my 1st scan on wednesday the doc wants me to go to hosp to have a detailed scan but he said he can't see nothing wrong its just because i'm over 35 but i seen him write in my notes that I have marginal anterior placenta he didn't explain it so I assume they not too worried bout it. not even sure what it is. I do get tired but I have a very busy little toddler so I don't get to sit much. hope you all feeling well.
hello everyone, I am 36 and I'm 20 + 1weeks. I have 3 children and had a mis last august but feeling good at moment. had my 1st scan on wednesday the doc wants me to go to hosp to have a detailed scan but he said he can't see nothing wrong its just because i'm over 35 but i seen him write in my notes that I have marginal anterior placenta he didn't explain it so I assume they not too worried bout it. not even sure what it is. I do get tired but I have a very busy little toddler so I don't get to sit much. hope you all feeling well.


I don't know what a marginal anterior placenta but I have an anterior placenta and it just means that the placenta is in front. It may take a little longer to feel the little one move, we might be a little more protected from some of the more energetic movements, or it might mean nothing in regards to that. As long as it isn't low laying, you should be fine.
Hi Ladies

I'm 38 and almost 17 weeks pregnant with my second. I have a 14 year old daughter from my previous marriage and this will be my partner's first child :)

I am feeling not too bad now apart from extremely emotional...I cry at everything lol.
I put this down to also being on my own a lot of the time as my partner is in the forces so away alot!

I have had bleeding at 13-14 weeks and was told I had a low lying posterior placenta that was partially covering my cervix opening but (touch wood) I've not experienced any bleeding since.

I am now just VERY impatiently waiting to feel my little one having a proper wiggle about, I have felt the odd little flutter but nothing substantial yet. My partner is home weds on leave and I have everything crossed for a few kicks then so he can feel them too :D
Mommy's Angel--I am so glad that your doctors are following you so closely with this pregnancy and that there is a plan in place! I hope that the bedrest is helping and keeping my fx'd for you as you progress through these next few stressful weeks!

As for breastfeeding and diapers, I am definately going to try and breastfeed, but will probably not use cloth diapers.

2Gr--you have my total sympathy and understanding about the heartburn. I have acid reflux (pre-pregnancy) and the pregnancy has made it so much worse--that has probably been one of the hardest symptoms to deal with!

As for what we are having, we are going to find out for certain, our anatomy scan is scheduled for the 31st--we have no preference whatsoever, just a happy, healthy babe!
Mommy's Angel--I am so glad that your doctors are following you so closely with this pregnancy and that there is a plan in place! I hope that the bedrest is helping and keeping my fx'd for you as you progress through these next few stressful weeks!

As for breastfeeding and diapers, I am definately going to try and breastfeed, but will probably not use cloth diapers.

2Gr--you have my total sympathy and understanding about the heartburn. I have acid reflux (pre-pregnancy) and the pregnancy has made it so much worse--that has probably been one of the hardest symptoms to deal with!

As for what we are having, we are going to find out for certain, our anatomy scan is scheduled for the 31st--we have no preference whatsoever, just a happy, healthy babe!

Thank you! :hugs:

The 31st will be a fun day! Can't wait to know what your having!:happydance:
Hi everyone!
I am 36 and coming up to 18 weeks pregnant. I had a mmc and D&C in November last year so although I am ecstatic at being pregnant, I am still really anxious and worried that somethings going to go wrong. But I have a little fetal doppler that helps me feel better! MS was really bad until about 15 weeks and now I feel amazing - healthy, fit and glowing!
On the hand, my OH has really struggled with both pg's. He never wanted to have kids, and then decided to go with it - but he's really stressed about being a dad. He's now in counselling and tbh he's really making an effort - I really love him and hope things work out for us!
Hi everyone!! I'm 38 and nearly 17 weeks

great to meet you all (and see some familiar faces too) :hugs:

I also can't wait to feel the first kicks, I wish they would hurry up!! xx
Hi ladies! welcome.:hi:

I had an emergency stitch on thursday to keep Amelia in, am on bed rest and continuing 17P to keep PTL at bay. I'm half way to delivery day and praying she stays in there nicely until October. Looking forward to passing milestones! :thumbup:
So what's on everyones agenda this week? Any scans or appointments? Any new genders announced??

How are you all doing?!

I started putting gender confirmations on the origional post and see we have several girls, one boy and one neutral confirmation. Waiting on the rest of you. I'm really excited to hear what everyone is having.
my scan isn't until 20th June - too long to wait!!!! xx
my scan isn't until 20th June - too long to wait!!!! xx

I know, it's SO hard to wait when you want to know already. I find it comforting to call Amelia by name. It helps me to bond with her.:cloud9:

AFM: This week is pretty busy. Tomorrow is a scheduled fetal echocardiogram which is normal for women with type II diabetes. They just want to check the babies heart.

Tues. our Doula is bringing a backup Doula to the house for us to meet in case she's not in the state. Since I have a cerclage and delivery date is unpredictable, she wants to make sure someone will be there.:thumbup:

I think Friday I'll be fit in the schedule to check the new cerclage, the length and the funneling to make sure everything is okay. Praying that stitch holds her in good!:winkwink: Then an appointment with the Perinatal center to discuss everything.

I have this feeling aside from bed rest for the next 20 wks, my life will consist of MANY appointments, but I'm okay with it as long as it keeps little Amelia safe.:thumbup:

Thinking of you all! :hug: :flower:
I am 36, to be 37 by the birth of our second boy (35 at birth of our first). No problems whatsoever getting pregnant either time (other than that breastfeeding delayed my periods , and then shortened the luteal phase for quite a while), and no real problems in either pregnancy, thank goodness. Lots of scares, weird aches and pains with the second one, but so far, all is ok. I am 26 weeks, counting down to 30 weeks, then I'll relax more:thumbup:
Mommy's Angel, that is good news (sort of)! Keeping positive thoughts on the stitch holding and I know you will find plenty to do while on that all important bed rest. I know from some of your other posts etc that you do some baking and such but I don't know about other crafts. When I get up the motivation, I have been working on making some crocheted booties and bib sets to take with me to the hospital for donation when I go in to have this little one. With the toddler and such, I haven't had a lot but I think I have around ten sets so I am making progress. Maybe taking up crochet or knitting will help with the bed rest? Just a thought.

Welcome to the new ladies!

I don't have any appointments scheduled this week but I had my follow up from the unexplained bleeding last week on Friday. The doctor took me off pelvic rest but warned me if there was any more bleeding of any kind, it was going to be pelvic rest for the duration. I am hoping it doesn't come to that but at the same time, I don't want to take chances either.

The OH has been wonderful today. I swear that I have been more tired the last couple of weeks than I was in 1st trimester and I was just exhausted when the toddler got going this morning. I tend to get a bit sick from lack of sleep when she gets up early. He got out of bed and told me to stay even though he was kind of exhausted himself and only gets two days a week to sleep in. By the time I did manage to crawl out of bed, I no longer felt sick and the toddler was down for a nap. What a nice surprising, relaxing day.

I hope everyone is doing well!
Welcome Septie! :hi:

ciarhwyfar, WTG on getting off bed rest! :happydance: Sounds like you've had a lovely day so far!
Hey, I'm 37 and in 2nd Tri, nearly 3rd! :-D This is my 4th child, my others are 19, 13 and 11 so a big gap for me and feels like my first all over again :-D
Hi Tiamaria! Congrats on your little one. I suppose it feels so different now that the others are mostly grown, but I've heard many parents say having a little one really kept their stamina and they felt they were more relaxed and ready to parents then they were when the others were younger. I'll be interested to see what you say when you have your little one. Will it be harder or easier now that you have more wisdom and experience.

I'm hoping it will be right. But having never had kids prior, I don't have much to go on. :lol: I'm new all around to this. Hopefully it will come pretty quickly even though I'm 37.

Congrats and welcome to the group....Bet your excited to almost be in the 3rd trimester. :happydance:
Hi everyone,

I am 37 and 24wks today hurrah! Not had a bad time of it so far, apart from the tiredness, but I am starting to feel a bit more like my old self now. Have even managed to get the sewing machine out today!

This is our first baby and it took around 18 months for us to conceive. Finally happened two days before I was due to have a Lap and Dye!! My body obviously needs a little scare to kick it into action! All looked good on the 20wk scan and we're going to have a surprise so its neutral baby clothes all the way just now. I see the midwife again tomorrow for the first time in ages, must compile my enormous list of questions tonight!!

Great to have a plus 35 forum... nice to know there are a few of us about.

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