Autumn and Winter 2011 babies...Come on in!

Mommy's Angel

Mommy to Angelboy 10/22/9
May 6, 2010
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I thought we should start a thread.

How far are you in second trimester?

How are you feeling?

Is this your first child?

Lets talk ladies!!:happydance::flower:

Gender Confirmations:

Amberyll23 :pink:

Carry :pink:

Cherryhrf :pink:

ciarhwyfar staying :yellow:

chysantheMUM :pink:

Kiki09 :blue:

Leeze :pink:

Mommy's Angel :pink:
I'm in 2nd tri, 17+2 today. :) I feel ok, a lot lot better than in 1st tri, energy is pretty much ok as long as I get a nap, but my SPD is starting up... this is my 2nd child, I have a little boy who is going to be 21 months old on Sunday. 20 week scan is on June 1st, excited to find out if Adam is going to have a brother or a sister.

anyone else?
Hi, I am joining 2nd tri today!

This is our 2nd baby, Anna is 16 months.

Am feeling great! Only had some on/off nausea from 6 - 9 wks and thats it!

Welcome 2nd tri ladies. :hug:

Technically this is my second and we have a son but he passed away shortly after giving birth to him preterm. But our first baby here on earth will "God willing" be this little one.

We found out today that it's a :pink: :happydance: But I'm also showing symptoms of Incompetant cervix and have found out today there's slight funneling though the cervix is closed right now. I'm also on 17P injections to keep PTL at bay. I'm 18wks 5 dys today and sunday will be our 19th week. I'm praying to get WAY past viability. I'm a bit on edge from todays information. :cry:
I thought we should start a thread.

How far are you in second trimester?

How are you feeling?

Is this your first child?

Lets talk ladies!!:happydance::flower:

We are at 21w 3d.

Things have started getting a little complicated with some unexplained bleeding/spotting this week. I have pretty much had to give up my walking/exercise and can't have sex for the next several weeks, at least. The baby is moving well and while I have an anterior placenta so I may not be able to feel all of it, so far the little one likes to sit low and I get regular movements.

This is my third child with one early mc. We also have two bonus children in our household though not all live in the house. Here is to hoping this little one doesn't try to come very early. I can wait for September.
I'm a 2nd trimester mommy!

16 wks, 3 days (my ticker is a day off, I'm just too lazy to change it!). This will be our second after suffering the loss of our first little one back in September (m/c at 8 1/2 wks).

So far I am feeling pretty good. I have a few gestational concerns, I have high blood pressure (pre-pregnancy), was diagnosed with early-onset GD (and am currently on insulin for that 1xday before bed), and have suffered a subchorionic hematoma at 7 1/2 wks that has since disappeared on its own. Have an anatomy scan scheduled for May 31st and fetal echo u/s on June 6 (to make sure baby's heart is ok).

Grats on finding out that you are having a little lady, Mommy's Angel! Have they discussed any options for you about the cervix? Are they able to close it with a stitch or 2 if need be? :hugs: and I will be keeping you and your little one in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm a 2nd trimester mommy!

Grats on finding out that you are having a little lady, Mommy's Angel! Have they discussed any options for you about the cervix? Are they able to close it with a stitch or 2 if need be? :hugs: and I will be keeping you and your little one in my thoughts and prayers.

Yes, right now I'm on 17P injections for PTL. I've been to two different Perinatologists several hours away from each other and both agree with being more conservative with a cerclage. They WILL put one in, but they refused to put one in at 14wks. They are waiting until the measurements are at 25. My concern is the funneling right now though. I go back next wed to have another scan and check it. I'm PRAYING it was a mistake and that it was a contraction after relieving my bladder for the internal scan.

ciarhwyfar, Yes, I'm praying we all get there safely with beautiful, healthy babies to hold!:thumbup::happydance::cloud9:
Hi everyone *waves* im currently 21 weeks with baby girl, everything going well so far had no sickness whatsoever.. was actually beginnning to wonder if i was actually pregnant, as i to have an anterior placenta so its hard to feel baby move sometimes.. but had anomaly scan yesterday and everythings good, mild concern over babies kidneys which where slightly enlarged, have to see consultant next week.. but after plenty of reassurance from some of the ladies on here im not gonna worry silly over it.. glad to meet you all and congratulations on all your beautiful bumps x
Hi ladies, I'm in 2nd tri too (for the next 2 weeks at least anyway :winkwink:), I'm currently 24wks, so baby is now viable which is great. And although I get the occasional day when I feel a bit drained, headachy or light headed, for the most part everything has been great. No morning sickness or complications. I'm having a baby girl, who will be my 2nd child (son is now in his 20's) and so far all seems to be going well :thumbup:
Hi Ladies - I'm 27 in 2nd Tri (15+2) with my first babies (having twins!)
Just about getting over nausea, but knackered and paranoid that things are going wrong (no reason they should be) 6wk, and 12wk scans ok, low Downs Syndrome risk, but I'm such a worry pants:wacko:
:hi: Great thread :) I am 39 and 19 wks 2 days, so far so good, tho can't help be a worry pants, due to my past losses, this one will be our forever baby. I have had scans every 4 weeks due to history and a cyst they are a bit concerned about. I was v lucky in that I was part of a Drs training day where I was scanned for over an hour by different Drs on a training course learning how to scan and measure baby, it was a great chance to see baby and get some reassurance before my 20 week scan next week!! We also found out we are team blue :)
Hi - I guess Im classed as second tri now... Im 37 and this is my second baby as a 35+ mum x
Well hello ladies! SO glad I'm not alone. I had wondered! :wacko:

To those who are a worry pants, I'm right there with you. These next few weeks are crucial for me as I gave birth preterm to our son two years ago at 22wks and he passed away shortly after.

Now I'm on 17P injections to stop the PTL but Doctors in this area refused to put a preventative stitch in until my cervix was actually 2.5. Right now I'm at 3.2 however there are signs of funneling now. I'm 19wks tomorrow and am SCARED. Viability is in 6 more weeks. It just scares me to think this could possibly happen again. I'm trying to keep a positive head about it.

Today I decided to be prepared with the news I have already at 19wks. So Doug and I bought two preemie outfits and I'll be looking for a micropreemie outfit online if I can find one. In all likelihood with more monitoring we shouldn't need these outfits, however, I will NOT be unprepared like I was with our son Jackson. I'd rather have them on hand and give them to someone who needs them later than need them and not have them.

At any rate. Congrats to everyone on 2nd trimester and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

By the way, we're team :pink: here. Does everyone know what they are having??

cedrickery..congrats on the twins! LOVE hearing about multiples just as much as the singletons.
We decided to stay neutral about gender this time. It doesn't really matter to us which one it turns out to be and we have all the clothes we need for at least the first few months from the last one as I saved everything and hadn't gone through it for donations/giveaways yet.

All we have been hoping for is a healthy baby and it would be nice to get an announcement in the delivery room. Kind of thinking of it as being a bonus at the end of birth. All of the blood work and tests have been good. The biggest concern right now is the unexplained bleeding and still being a few weeks away from viability.

The OH is working hard to see that I take things really easy, whether I want to or not. It is hard not being able to go walking anymore or really do a lot of things I am used to being able to handle. I have to remind myself it will be worth it to not take any risks.

I just get really bored sometimes. :)
I'm 37 and 23 weeks with baby no 5. We're having our 4th little lady in a row!
Congrats Bigmomma!! :flower:

ciarhwyfar, I wanted to keep neutral too, but after having lost my first two years ago I think I needed to know to bond. I was/am SO afraid to get close and enjoy because in the back of my head, I know what happened last time. I've pushed through that feeling because "better to have loved and lost, than NEVER to have loved at all". So I decided I needed to find out the gender and call our baby by name. So I talk to Amelia everyday since finding out last week. I'm so glad I decided to do it this time.

Right now I'm on total bed rest. I can't remembered if I shared, but I'm showing signs of funneling and I'm just 19wks. I'm on 17P injections to stop PTL but they aren't convinced I need a stitch until cervical length is 2.5. I've been a bit on edge. Yesterday we bought two preemie outfits and one micropreemie outfit. I HAD to do it! My hope is that they won't be needed, but after what they did with my son...I REFUSE to be unprepared. Those three outfits set my mind at ease and I can move on to focusing on keeping her in here as long as I can. I'll start buying regular clothes at 28wks. Like you, I want to get passed the 22wk milestone where we lost our son and then past 24wk viability milestone which is in 6 more weeks for us. :wacko: In all actuality I'd LOVE it if she'd stay in there for another 20wks. :winkwink: :happydance: I'm shooting for the stars!

So just thought I'd ask...Is anyone planning to breastfeed? Use cloth diapers?

I'm hoping to bf'd and I found some cloth diapers I'd like to try. The initial cost seems high but it seems like it will save money over time compared to disposable diapering, though I've heard Amazon has a mommy savings program that uses coupons and you can REALLY save a bundle on disposables that way.

Congrats to all you mommies :flower:
Mommy's Angel, from your posts on the ttc over 35 boards and stuff I have to say no one should have had to go through that and I am glad that your doctors are a lot more on the ball this time. Bed rest sucks in my opinion. I had to do that for only three days a few weeks ago but I am afraid I might end up there again. The toddler doesn't really understand though and my OH comes straight home instead of taking care of a property that needs more work before we can rent it out. I feel so guilty even if it isn't something I can control.

We found out the gender on the last one but since this is The Last One, I want to go back to not knowing before birth. I did that with my first one but then again, didn't have a choice back then. They didn't do any ultrasounds 22 years ago.

I nursed the little one for 18 months but had to give it up during my short pregnancy last year as it just hurt too much for me and I didn't even know it could do that. Apparently getting pregnant has effects on that as well. I fully plan on bf again and we bought a good pump last time so it is also still usable.

We have cloth diapers from Kushies. Sometimes you can get them on sale but they are a little pricey. We have both regular and toddler size diapers. They work really well, although stopped using them when we thought she was potty training last year. Now we spend around $35-40 a month on disposables at BJ's. Much cheaper to buy the cloth in the long run. I can't tell you about the newborn size because there was never a concern about her being early and I didn't see buying them for only a few weeks, at best.

I hope you don't end up needing the preemie outfits. As long as you keep trying to do everything you can to keep the little one cooking as long as possible, I feel positive things will come out well for you this time.
Hi! I'm 41 and this is our first baby-its a boy! I'm 22 weeks today and basically feeling good although I seem to get tired pretty fast, and the heartburn is so bad that even though I take a Zantac in the morning, I still have it all day long-other than that, all is progressing normally. My last scan, they told me my placenta is a little low, so they wanted me to have another scan at 28 weeks to see if it moved. Not worried about it. We were fortunate to get pregnant right away once we decided to start trying, and I feel pretty lucky that everything is going well. Nice to be here with all of you :)

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