Ava Grace - 27.08.10


Dec 19, 2009
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I apologise in advance for the length! :flower:

23/08 - 40+2
I had a sweep at 40+2 after I was sent to the hospital to get my BP checked as it was high and I had ++protein in my wee.
Everything was fine with me & baby, I told them I was having some bad cramps in my back, so a midwife came in (the same midwfie who delivered me!) & offered me a sweep which I accepted!The sweep was a little painfull for me & I did have a cry but it was over very quick. She told me I was effaced & 1cm dilated! We decided to walk home to help things get moving, that night I had a few cramps but nothing major.

25/08 - 40+4
Went up to the hospital as contractions were coming & I had a headache & felt sick & dizzy, thought I should get my BP checked out. Sadly contractions stopped once we got to the hospital. A doctor came in to see me and was wanting to induce me in the next few days due to BP etc. I got very upset as I really didn't want that, so he agreed we would wait until my sweep on Sunday and if nothing then I'd be indcued. Luckily my MW was on shift up the hospital, she came in to see me and asked if I wanted a sweep there & then! I accepted but was anxious that I wouldn't have dilated at all & the sweep wouldn't work. Luckily she said I was 3cm & fully thinned out, she felt babies head & felt my waters bulging with my contractions.

26/08 - 40+5
Decided to go for a walk to get things moving, Came home, had some food and had an insane urge to clean! Put 4 loads of washing on, bounced on my ball in between & started setting stuff out for baby.
Around 8sh OH's mum came home, went and sat down with her and started timing contractions, they were every 5-7 minuted, lasting just under a minute. They stayed like that until about 11, then they stopped & started going irregular again, I got upset thinking again this was a false alarm. They started picking up again around midnight.

27/08 - 40+6
Just after midnight I started crying through the contractions. OH came down and decided I needed to go hospital. I didn't want to as I had been so often and I was convinced it was a false alarm. They rung anyway & rung my dad to come get me.
We arrived at the hospital around 1.30am, got checked & was getting proper contractions & 4cm dilated, she offered me G&A and I said no as I was coping fine. I said I wanted a water birth and she said it should be okay, but they were having a hard time finding baby's heartbeat.
We were moved into a bigger room & she offered G&A again, so I accepted. Asked my dad if he could go pick up my mum as she wanted to be there through the labour.He got her & in the meantime OH was massaging my back during contractions, getting me water & laughing at me singing to the radio :rofl:

Around 3ish my mum arrived with my dad, decided to try the ball which helped keep me occupied. At 5ish I Decided I needed to pee so OH came to the bathroom with me, I announced I needed to fart and asked him not to laugh at me, I did & we both broke out laughing! Instantly I felt a gush, told him I thought my waters had broke & we laughed again. Came out and told MW I thought waters had gone, so she said she would check me.
She said I was 5cm so I asked if I could get in the pool. They said because of my BP & the fact they couldn't get a good trace of babies heartbeat it would be best if I didn't have a water birth :(
I was completely gutted as this is the only thing I had wanted throughout my whole pregnancy. I asked if I could have some pain relief as water wouldn't be an option, she offered diamorphine & I agreed. Was very upset at myself but the pain was getting worse so thought it was worth a shot.
Within that time I went into transition, I was screaming, begging for the pain to go away as I was convinced the diamorphine did nothing! OH told me he thought it made me sleepy & that was it.

Not sure what time it was but they checked me, I was 8cm, when they told me I asked if it would be okay for an epidural as I felt I wasn't coping - OH had a chat to me and wanted to make sure I really did want it, as I asked him to double check with me beforehand as I really did not want one, they told me I would be put on the list.

At some point my dad left, and said he would be back at 9.15am, my mum stayed with me & OH. Another MW came in & I felt the need to poo & knew that meant pushing. I was terrified, MW told me with the next contraction I could push, as soon as it came I was writhing around, it just didn't feel right to me, I got on all fours & had OH on my side & my mum looking down there! I remember crowning and the MW told me it was 9am and my dad would be back in 15 minutes, so it would be nice if baby came on time! 5 minutes of pushing later and she was born. I was apparently pushing for 23 minutes.

She was handed to me from behind and I pulled her up to my chest, I sat there and just stared at her, I couldn't believe I had actually done it. I asked if she was a girl as they were never 100% sure, they said I could check, so lifted her legs apart and she was all girl :) I just looked at her and said she was beautifull. OH cut the cord - after two attempts! She was taken away to be cleaned and then passed to OH.
I sat back and delivered the placenta, which took a while, but eventually came away.
My dad came in the room with OH's mum & they gathered away in the corner with the baby. I was told I had a second degree tear that needed sutured, I refused saying I really did not want this, I just wanted my baby (eventually after speaking to a MW, matron & surgeon they agreed I could leave it unstitched).
Baby was passed to me and had skin to skin, I took her to my breast and she instantly latched on. Everyone left and it was me & OH with the baby. I stopped breastfeeding for a bit as it hurt, so OH took her. MW came in and weighed her & asked me to breastfeed again, I said I didn't think I wanted to and wanted to go to the bottle, but would try it one more time. I did for about 20 minutes but eventually decided it just wasn't right. I felt very pressured and like I had let her down, but OH assured me I knew what I was doing. He was then given a bottle and he fed her for the first time.

I stayed in hospital for one night, and was quite dissapointed with my treatment, I wasn't told anything, feeding wise, care wise - nothing. Thank God for this forum else I think I would of been a bit lost!
Since coming home she has been an angel. Feeding brilliantly, sleeps well & my OH is absolutely amazing with her, considering he has never even held a baby he's done fantastic!

Ava Grace, born 27th August (40+6) at 09.05am, weighing 6lb's 14½oz's.
She is just gorgeous hun, congratulations and sorry you didn't get the birth you wanted :(
she is absolutely gorgeous, and well done you !!!!!!!

sorry you didnt get your waterbirth but sounds like you still did really well!
She is a little beauty hun congratulations and thanks for sharing! :D xx
congrats shes beautifull! and what a beautiful name! (hehe my daughter is an Ava Grace too)
oh she is so beautiful!! well done!! so much for her being early aye ;)
She is absoutely adorable!! Congratulations hun :flower: x
she's just beautiful, congrats on Ava's arrival!

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