Yep. Me and amnio tomorrow.
Hey, last night before going to bed I choked so hard on my toothbrush, two times in a row. It made something move inside my stomach, I swallowed lots of air, almost vomited, and it hurt like hell. Then during the night, i woke to a dull pain on my right side, lower than where i always catch the heartbeat. It hurt when i lay flat, but on my left side the pain wwent away. It came and went today at work, depending on what position i was in.... Mild tho, nothing torturous.... I am hoping it is from the gag experiences, or maybe I flipped over too aggressively, which i sometimes do, and pulled something?
Anyone ever have something similar or am i just reading too much into this?
I never had an amnio so i dont know if he will tell me the sex or not... Or if i should just wait until monday when i see that baby is ok.....