Always something, right? But not to worry....
20 week anatomy scan was very good. baby is moving and wiggling and happy. heart rate 153, saw the two kidneys, heart, brain etc. They have me due on June 13, as per the baby's size, but I am sticking with June 14. (I prefer even numbers.... don't know why)
Anyway, umbilical cord has only one artery, rather than two. this could affect the nutrients getting to the baby, but since baby is of perfect size and the amnio was great and all other visuals were good, there is no need to worry.... just more monitoring than normal, so I will go back in 4 weeks to monitor the growth.
i am also not feeling so much movement because my placenta is in the front, providing me with extra padding....
and, the baby is a bit 'breeched atm, but it's early and normal so nothing to worry about. I think our parents were better off, since the technology wasn't so advanced. Less stress, less worrying about every little thing....