I'm so sorry your partner doesn't feel able to compromise and I know for a lot of men this is a bit of a pride issue. BUT you are your babies mum and this is a really important decision. If marriage isn't under discussion It does change the situation in my opinion. It is ultimately actually your decision. When your baby is born the midwife will record them as baby ' your surname' unless you specifically request otherwise. Then it's up to you how you register your child's name. I so hope you can reach a decision you can both feel ok with but I hope you don't feel pressured into accepting something you're not happy with that you then have to live with. You will probably be the one taking your little one to medical apts, and in the future nursery, playgroup, school. I think it's more important that your baby's name is linked to yours if marriage isn't being considered. So sorry you're going through this at a really emotional time. Hope it all works out for you both. I really don't mean to sound anti-father, it's just that your wishes and feelings are really important too x hugs x