I have no idea why they call it baby acne here ...
And I was very surprised when I mention the spots to my friend and refered to it as sweat spots and she said it's baby acne .
Because the sweat spots it's how they call it in our country ( I am from Europe ) and as the names suggest , the baby is hot a lot and it's sweating a lot and because the skin is so sensitive it cause the spots . My friends DD had it not only on her face but on her body too . How can baby have acne on her body ?
Also she is month old and she dressed her a lot inside the house . And I mean long sleeve onsie , pants , socks , two blankets and sometimes hat . And every time she hold her she put a blanket on her . And she doesn't believe me the baby is hot ...
Well sometimes it's impossible to tell advise to first time parents even tho you mean good .
But if you are sure your baby is not too warm than it may be something else . My doctor always told me to check the belly . If the baby has worm belly she /he is worm . I say it because my son always had cold hands and feet no matter what and more I dressed him more he sweat but hand and feet still cold ...