A wrap and co-sleeping. I literally don't think my daughter was put down once except for car rides or walks in her pushchair (when she would tolerate them) for the first 3-4 months. Otherwise, she was held to sleep or in a wrap unless it was nighttime and we were co-sleeping pretty much all the time. She literally slept in the moses basket we bought once for 20 minutes and that was it, never again. For the first 4-6 weeks, we slept in shifts so one of us could hold her during the night while the other slept and then we'd switch or she'd come to me for a feed. Eventually, it just got easier on it's own, but for the first few months you just have to go with the flow and do whatever. Tell her not to worry about all the crap about creating a "clingy baby" or setting herself up for "bad habits". My now 2.5 year old who never slept once except on me or next to me until she was 9 months old is super secure and independent and outgoing. She also sleeps great and goes to bed easily, self-settling on her own. We never did any sleep training or pushed her to do anything she wasn't ready for. It just happened naturally when it was time and that's worked great (and we have a lot less in the way of sleep or behavioural issues than my friends who didn't take such a relaxed approach).