It will happen girls!!
God has great plans for all of us...
... but this is just a number...look after yourselves, stay happy and healthy and positive...don't stop living life ...that's what I have learned from all my heart aches...
My mom was 38, told she would
never have kids...yet here I am. I was 33 with #1 and 35 with #2 and I am in my TWW now at 41 and quite frankly, my doctor says I can run rings around patients half my age with as good a health I'm in

I'm NOT saying you'll have to wait that long---it's just a couple examples about please please don't stress your 'biological clock'--medicine is so much more advanced than my moms generation where 30 was considered "old". Look around--SO many healthy mamas and babies at ages that used to be considered decrepit--and that to me means you'll be on the road to your healthy BFP's soon
Having baby fever is VERY understandable...and it is going to be tough at times, especially when you see examples of those others who fall pregnant sooner or seemingly easier than you (might)...and yes, when that AF b*tch

shows up every month, it's gonna be hard...but try and bless your period--some women don't have theirs, and at least when your cycle is pretty much regular, you have a much better chance at dropping and catching that eggie

We're all here to 'listen', and I can tell you lovely woman, you're definitely NOT alone...