Baby Holly's Arrival- 2 weeks early! 14th August 2010


Mummy to Holly and Evie
Nov 11, 2009
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Hi girls

We've just got home from hospital today, so I thought I'd write up my birth story whilst it's still fresh in my mind! Sorry it's very long!

Well, our baby girl wasn't due to make an appearance until 28th August, but as soon as she hit term we began the eviction process! I started on the RLT, madly bounced on my ball and walked loads. I saw the midwife on Wednesday and she said that baby was fully engaged and felt a really good size, so to make sure my bags were ready and waiting by the door! She also said that baby had turned back to back, so that afternoon I got on all fours as much as possible in an attempt to get her to turn around! On Wednesday night we decided to DTD to help things along and I woke up on Thursday feeling extra crampy. I went into town to get a few things and when I went to the toilet, saw that I had had a big bloody show and it kept coming all day and night, with me feeling increasingly crampy as the day went on.

That night we had a curry to further help things along and I woke up at about 3am with what I thought was a dodgy tummy from the curry! I sat on the toilet for ages convinced I needed a number 2, but nothing was coming! I was in and out of bed until about 5am when I thought that things might be happening, so I got up and had a bowl of cereal and sat downstairs. At about 5.30am, I started getting bad period type pains but they were erratic and not coming at regular intervals, so I kind of just thought I was in for another crampy day.

Come 6.30am, the pains were still coming and so I woke up my hubby and told him that I thought things were happening. They quickly became very painful and I could only find comfort by kneeling on all fours over the sofa. I lost lots more bloody mucus at this point too. I started to time the pains and they were coming about 7 minutes apart and lasting around 45 seconds each. By 11.00am they were coming on stronger but quite irregularly, so I rang the hospital for advice and they told me to pop in. I was examined at the hospital and she told me I was 2 cm dilated and fully effaced and to go home until the contractions were more regular. Back at home, the contractions got really intense again, although all over the place but come about 5.30pm some of the contractions were coming on top of one another, but sometimes with a break in between. I didn’t know what to do, so my hubby rang the hospital again who told me to go straight to central delivery to be checked over. I was checked over once I got there and felt in sooo much pain so I was gutted when I was told I was still only 3cm!! Again they told us to go home and come back later, I felt so gutted! I’d been having contractions for about 12 hours by now and I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere and I was already exhausted.

We got home just before 8pm and my hubby ran me a bath so I could try to relax a little. I was beside myself and I started to think that I must have an extremely low pain threshold if I couldn’t even handle the pain up to 3cm! I lay in the bath for a bit before getting on the bed to try and get some rest as I was exhausted. Then the pain got extremely bad and the contractions were coming one after the other after the other. I started violently shaking and couldn’t speak! Everything here was a bit of a blur, but I remember going to the hospital in a taxi and the taxi driver going over the speed bumps extremely slowly bless him! I was moaning in pain in the back seat and I have no idea how I sat in the seat!! I vaguely remember getting to the hospital at about 11pm ish and going to central delivery again, where they took me into triage and examined me. Just before I was examined I had an almighty contraction and felt a small gush and said I wasn’t sure if I’d just peed myself or if my waters had gone. The midwife examined me and I could have kissed her when she said I was 5cm and nice and stretchy and the baby’s head was right there. She also said that she couldn’t feel any waters and she could feel lots of hair! She took us through to our delivery room and we put a cd we had made on and tried to get comfy. They strapped me up to the monitor to monitor my contractions and baby’s heartbeat, but I could still stand up and move around quite a bit, so wasn’t confined to the bed or anything. I got on the gas and air pretty soon after and promptly threw up everywhere lol I soon got used to the drunk feeling though and the G&A was really helping me deal with the pain of the contractions for a good while. Timings and that get a bit blurry from here on in, but my hubby was great, feeding me drinks and rubbing my back between puffs on the G&A. He informed me afterwards that I started dancing to jamiroquai whilst looking extremely drunk off the G&A and I don’t remember this AT ALL!!

I decided to get on the bed at some point, leaning over the backrest and puffing away on the gas and air. It got to around about 1.30am ish and I asked for some more pain relief and the MW offered me a shot of diamorphine. I don’t think she actually gave it to me for some time though, it seemed a while anyway! Once I had that I just felt a bit odd and drowsy and sort of nodded off in between contractions, but I have to say it did nothing to take away the pain of the contractions when I had them. After a while, I decided enough was enough and I asked for an epidural. The midwife said that the anaesetists were in theatre and they would be with me asap. It took til around 4am for them to arrive and then they faffed around hooking me up to the drip and trying to insert the needle in my back in between contractions. Once it was in, it became apparent that it wasn’t in properly and was actually just leaking out all over my back so was having no effect, so the midwife called them back in to re-do it. By the time they got back in, I was starting to push involuntarily and so the midwife checked me and I was almost fully dilated so didn't bother with the epi. Again, things get a bit hazy here but I remember having absolutely no control over pushing and my body was just doing it for me! I kept asking if it was ok if I did it and the midwife said it was fine and just sort of left me to it! I was pushing for a good couple of hours and at some point, they took me off the strap on monitor and put a clip on babies head to monitor her heartbeat. For the first part of pushing I used the gas and air, but then I just started to find it a distraction so I did the last bit with nothing. Towards the end of pushing, her heartrate kept creeping up as I was pushing and the MW got someone else in to get their opinion of what to do… I knew this meant I might need assistance so I started pushing with all my might! I turned round into a sitting up position at this point and this helped the baby move down further with each push. After what seemed like a lifetime the head started to crown and OMG it hurt!! She was telling me to do little pushes, but I really had no control over it! It wasn’t for too long though and before I knew it, the head was out and after one more almighty push the rest of her came flying out with a tidal wave of blood and amniotic fluid behind her at 6.14am! It went straight over the end of the bed like a waterfall! Straight away our little baby let out a big cry and she was put straight onto my chest. I couldn’t believe I had done it! Matt cut the cord too. As she was a bit early, she was covered in vernix. I couldn’t get over how beautiful she looked and how much hair she had. She weighed in at 7lb 9oz.The first picture is of her when she was first put into my chest, so seconds old!

After this it all felt a bit surreal, I had a good while of skin to skin with her before the MW gave her to Matt whilst I was checked over with my legs in stirrups. The doctor came in to check me as I had a bad perennial tear and she decided that I needed to be taken into theatre to have a spinal block and be stitched up. They were unsure if I had torn into my back passage as well so wanted to investigate further. So I was whisked away into theatre, given a spinal and examined by the doctor more thoroughly. It turned out I’d just missed tearing into my back passage and the tear was 2nd degree. I was sown up and wheeled out to recovery, where Matt and baby Holly joined me. I got to breastfeed her for the first time then with the help of the MW. Because of the spinal, I had to stay in overnight but we got to go home today and I am over the moon! Baby Holly is amazing and we can’t quite believe she is ours to keep! Holly and I are still trying to get used to breastfeeding and Matt and I are loving every minute as new parents. My labour had its ups and downs and at times was VERY tough, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat. We are on cloud 9! :cloud9:

Anyway well done if you got this far, here are a few piccies of our beautiful girl



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Omg so beautiful! Congrats and thank you for sharing your birth story!!!
Emma!!! OMG! Your story made me tear up!! A lot of ups and downs...but like you said, it's all worth it in the end! Well done!! I am so happy for you and Matt. What a beautiful little family!

Amazing story! Do you think the eviction process worked or do you think she wasready to come out? Congrats btw
Congrats,She is gorgeous! wow, Your story is sending my thoughts all over the place.
thankyou for sharing your story, lovely to see you all so happy x
Gorgeous story Emma, well done to you and congrats on baby Holly, she's beautiful! xxx
Ah Emzy - just had a good cry reading your story. So glad you are home and all is good. Well done you! :hugs: xxx
emma she is gorgeous enjoy every moment with your new family :) xxxx
Thanks for sharing your story, Many congratulations!! x
What a beautiful little girl, and i must say you look amazing for a lady just wo has just given birth. Congratulations X
Congratulations to yourself and Matt :) Holly is beautiful and you look so well having just given birth ! x x x

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