I'm currently in my first semester of my degree and I'm looking at going to school for the next 6 years or so. I'm also 8 1/2 weeks pregnant and a mom to two older children. I had my first child while I was in high school and had my second shortly after I graduated. This is also not my first time going to college since they've been born. That being said...
It was rough. I know high school isn't college, but being pregnant and going to school was just tough. And my pregnancy with my first born was incredibly easy. Same with my second. But there were some struggles and I ended up fighting with the school a lot in regards to accommodations I needed because I was pregnant (being able to keep water bottles with me, getting to take needed medications during the day, etc.) It was easier with my second because I was going to an alternative school with a different schedule.
My first time in college was when my children were toddler age. I had an amazing support system - my grandma lived next door to me and was my full-time babysitter. However, I sacrified a lot of time with my children and it was hard on me emotionally. I only completed one semester before dropping out to stay home full time.
This time around, I had been TTC before I decided to go back to college. OH and I had been trying for around 9 months when I made the decision to restart my degree. A month before classes started, I found out I was pregnant. We were TTC for a year at that point, so I was obviously beyond thrilled to be pregnant. And I wasn't worried about college at all because I've been through school while pregnant before and it wasn't an issue then. I don't have the support system I used to, though, since all of my family lives almost 2 hours away from me. Fortunately, my kids are in school full-time, though, so I was able to create a class schedule that worked around that. However, this pregnancy has made college difficult and I've only been going a week.
I've had a lot of issues with nausea and exhaustion this pregnancy and it makes going to class (especially early morning classes and my 8-hour long days) really hard. And while this pregnancy has been my most difficult one so far, it's by no means complicated in the grand scheme of things - it's just normal pregnancy symptoms. It's also not really an age thing either - I'm 24 and it's only been 4 years since my last pregnancy. I have also had to make a lot of changes to my plans because I'm due on September 4th, which is the beginning of the fall semester. There is no possibly way I would want to go back to school immediately after having a baby. I know I won't feel well enough to and I don't want to leave my baby that young. So I've decided to take off for the fall semester and go back in Spring, when baby is around 4 months old. I may only go back part-time, though, which will make my degree take longer.
It's always possible to go to college while having a baby/being pregnant. You can always make it work. But my suggestion would be to wait. It's only a year and at that point you'll be more able to focus on your pregnancy/baby. I do really understand the feeling of wanting a baby and wanting a baby now - I was waiting to try for around 3 years...and not just waiting, but really wanting a baby. It can be difficult to deal with those feelings but sometimes you just know that it's better to wait. And if you can set a date for when to TTC (such as spring 2017 after graduation) it makes waiting a little bit easier because you have something to look forward/count down to. Plus, while you wait you can use that time to focus on creating healthy habits, start taking vitamins, and start preparing your body/brain for TTC.
I'm sorry for making this so long. I get a little carried away.
I wish you the best of luck on whatever you decide. In reality you can ask for all sorts of advice, but only you and your OH know what's best for you and your (future) family. Good luck making your decision