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Baby measuring big on growth scan (worried)


♡Praying for a miracle rainbow baby at 43♡
Sep 13, 2018
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Hi ladies

I've just got back from my second growth scan I am 30+1 weeks and when the sonographer scanned me he asked how big my others were? Then he asked if I have been tested for gestational diabetes.

I was tested for gestational diabetes at 28 weeks but I do not have it!

At my 26+1 growth scan baby was 2lb 4oz
And now at 30+1 he is already 4lbs:shock:

My fundal height was done at 24 weeks and was 24cm then 29 weeks and was 28cm then again last friday at almost 30 weeks and was 31 cm so just over a week ahead. However it was done by a student midwife so I'm not sure if that was accurate and I thought it was weird how it was only 28cm 6 days before and then all of sudden its 31cm.

I am very petite and short and have very small hips.
I know growth scans are not accurate but I'm still really worried that I'm having a very big baby.

I see my high risk pregnancy consultant in 2 hours and I'm hoping I will get my induction date. The last time I saw her she said she doesnt want me going past 37 weeks (due to ICP)

Was wondering if that date may he brought forward because baby is measuring big?
I am also a liver transplant patient and that was another reason she didnt want me going over 37 weeks because it will put to much pressure on my body and scar.

Any reassuring stories and was ure growth scans accurate?

In my personal experience i was told my second baby was only average and wud only be 7 1/2 lbs but I had him at 42 weeks and he was 9lb
And it was a traumatic birth and he got stuck and needed to be delivered using forceps. He was also born not breathing because he got so stuck.

And with my DD at 35 weeks they did a growth scan and said she was already 6 1/2 lbs.
Well I was induced with her just 4 days later at 35+4 and she was just 5lbs.

So I know scans can be way out. But I'm still scared.
I also have to have a vaginal delivery as I was denied my elected c section so as u can imagine I'm very scared.

I was already anxious about the birth because I've had 2 very traumatic births but now I'm even more anxious.
Please help. :sad2:
I had a scan yesterday and this baby is estimated at 4lb3oz x

That's ok hon ure 2 weeks ahead of me I think that's about normol. I'm only 30+1 and hes 4lb 2oz. Also being pushed to 38 weeks now instead of 37 so looks like I'm going to have a whopper. I'm so scared
My biggest baby was 4lb 3oz so I'm scared about having a bigger baby x

Oh hon ure be fine. My smallest was 5lb and my biggest was 9lb but he was 14 days over due si I was 42 weeks. He got very stuck and had to be delivered by forceps. He wasnt breathing when he was born where he got so stuck so thats what I'm worried about.
But this baby shud be here no later than 38 weeks so hoping he wont be any where near the 9lb weight because that was awful.

I'm very small hon like a natural size 6 to 8 uk and 5ft 4. My hips are very very narrow and I was fine with my 7 and half lbs baby it was just the 9lb one that got stuck.

Did u go early b4 then hon?
A 4lb baby wud scare me. My 5lb baby scared me because she was so tiny. I thought she mite break. She dropped to 4lb 9oz and was in special care baby until for 17 days.
It was so hard not having my baby with me then going home without her.

I've always said with this one I hope I can make it to 35 or 36 weeks but dont really want to he pushed to go to 38 weeks.
Cant sleep to anxious. It's almost 3am.
So terrified of giving birth to a big baby vaginally. Feel like crap. My pelvis hurts so bad. Acid reflux and neuasa. So tired but cant sleep.

Cant bare to go another 8 weeks like this.

Sorry for rant but so upsett and so anxious
Mine were born at 34 weeks and weighed 4lb 3oz and 3lb 14.5 oz and had a 11 day stay in scbu
I no what you mean. I did not sleep a wink last night. Was in the bath at 1am just to try and help with being uncomfortable xx
How are you already 30 weeks!!! Feels like just last week you found out you were pregnant!
With my 2nd at 36 week scan they told me to expect a 14lb plus baby. He turned out to be 7lb 12 xx
I'm catching up to you with your big baby lol had a growth scan today at 26+4 and baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead at 2lb 3, they've predicted around 9lb 5 at 40 weeks but that can always change
i had my growth scan today at 30+1 and baby is measuring 3ib 11oz im scared of a big baby x
My last baby was 9lb 6oz. I haven’t had any growth scans with this baby, but I did have a private scan at 26 weeks and he was measuring 2lb 9oz lol. Everyone is expecting me to have a 10lber!! When I was measured at hospital at 30w6d my belly was measuring 34 weeks lol. So who knows. I and everyone else around me is expecting a biggen, So I bet in the end he is smaller than my first. I hope anyway haha.

You will be fine hun. Hope your feeling ok xo
Mine were born at 34 weeks and weighed 4lb 3oz and 3lb 14.5 oz and had a 11 day stay in scbu
I no what you mean. I did not sleep a wink last night. Was in the bath at 1am just to try and help with being uncomfortable xx

Oh hon it's no fun is it.

How are you already 30 weeks!!! Feels like just last week you found out you were pregnant!
With my 2nd at 36 week scan they told me to expect a 14lb plus baby. He turned out to be 7lb 12 xx

Hi hon hows you? Gosh it has dragged for me it feels like I've been pregnant for ever Haha. Its been such a worrying pregnancy the whole way through. But glad the end Is finally in sight.
Good to hear from you hon.

I'm catching up to you with your big baby lol had a growth scan today at 26+4 and baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead at 2lb 3, they've predicted around 9lb 5 at 40 weeks but that can always change

Ure the exact same as me hon. My baby was weighing 2lb 4oz at 26+1 then 4lb at 30+1. Next growth scan is in 3 and a half weeks.

@Suggerhoney Just wanted to pop in and say how insanely lucky u are.. pretty opposite to my current situation :)

Hi hon dont worry I've been informed by my midwife that growth scans esp in the 3rd tri are not accurate at all and can be up to 1 or 2lb out either way. She was saying she has had so many ladies that were told they were going to have tiny babies but ended up having huge babies and Visa versa. Ladies that were told there babies will be big and ended up having tiny ones.

It happened with me twice. DS1 was supposed to be a small baby going by growth scan but was 9lbs.
And DD was weighing in at nearly 7lb at 35 weeks but I had her 4 days later and she was only 5lb.
I was told there is no way to know the babies weight until they are born and them scans are so inaccurate and cause alot of unesecery worry. Ure be ok hon

i had my growth scan today at 30+1 and baby is measuring 3ib 11oz im scared of a big baby x

The scan are not accurate at all hon. Was told by my midwife and been doing alot of research. So dont worry.

My last baby was 9lb 6oz. I haven’t had any growth scans with this baby, but I did have a private scan at 26 weeks and he was measuring 2lb 9oz lol. Everyone is expecting me to have a 10lber!! When I was measured at hospital at 30w6d my belly was measuring 34 weeks lol. So who knows. I and everyone else around me is expecting a biggen, So I bet in the end he is smaller than my first. I hope anyway haha.

You will be fine hun. Hope your feeling ok xo

Oh gosh hon. I've been told that its impossible to know babies weight until they are born the growth scans can be out by a few lbs so try not to worry.

Guess none of us will truly know until they are born. I really dont feel like this baby is big. I'm not huge like i was with ds1 (my bump with him was massive)
Pluss I can still hold my tummy in if I want to and it's still squishy in places. With ds1 it was all baby and no water but I know I have alot of water this time u can feel it.

My left foot and ancle suddenly swelled up today. This was one of my very first symptoms of pre eclampsia in my last pregnancy. So I'm keeping a eye on it.
It started around this stage with DD and was just swelling on one foot and ancle like it is now. The protein in my urine was detected at just past 32 weeks and then the blood pressure shot up.
Hope it's not happening again.

Thanks for all ure replies ladies
Oh hon it's no fun is it.

Hi hon hows you? Gosh it has dragged for me it feels like I've been pregnant for ever Haha. Its been such a worrying pregnancy the whole way through. But glad the end Is finally in sight.
Good to hear from you hon.

Ure the exact same as me hon. My baby was weighing 2lb 4oz at 26+1 then 4lb at 30+1. Next growth scan is in 3 and a half weeks.

Hi hon dont worry I've been informed by my midwife that growth scans esp in the 3rd tri are not accurate at all and can be up to 1 or 2lb out either way. She was saying she has had so many ladies that were told they were going to have tiny babies but ended up having huge babies and Visa versa. Ladies that were told there babies will be big and ended up having tiny ones.

It happened with me twice. DS1 was supposed to be a small baby going by growth scan but was 9lbs.
And DD was weighing in at nearly 7lb at 35 weeks but I had her 4 days later and she was only 5lb.
I was told there is no way to know the babies weight until they are born and them scans are so inaccurate and cause alot of unesecery worry. Ure be ok hon

The scan are not accurate at all hon. Was told by my midwife and been doing alot of research. So dont worry.

Oh gosh hon. I've been told that its impossible to know babies weight until they are born the growth scans can be out by a few lbs so try not to worry.

Guess none of us will truly know until they are born. I really dont feel like this baby is big. I'm not huge like i was with ds1 (my bump with him was massive)
Pluss I can still hold my tummy in if I want to and it's still squishy in places. With ds1 it was all baby and no water but I know I have alot of water this time u can feel it.

My left foot and ancle suddenly swelled up today. This was one of my very first symptoms of pre eclampsia in my last pregnancy. So I'm keeping a eye on it.
It started around this stage with DD and was just swelling on one foot and ancle like it is now. The protein in my urine was detected at just past 32 weeks and then the blood pressure shot up.
Hope it's not happening again.

Thanks for all ure replies ladies
I'm good thank you sweetness. Still not pregnant but we are off to see the gp this month as it's been a year now. Fingers crossed you haven't got pre eclampsia! X
i really dont feel like baby is gonna be huge aswell, i dont think im as big as when i had my other 3 and they was all 6ibers, the one thing that different this time is the GD! oh she is head down, very low down, the woman struggled to get her head measurement! not long left now for us :) i cant wait x
Don't worry about a big baby. I still strongly believe your body only makes the baby the size you are able to handle.
My first was 9 lbs 3 oz, 22 inches, and I never measured ahead with her with fundal height, and never got growth scans.
My second was 10 lbs 5 oz 21.5 inches, and I always measured 4 weeks ahead with him (carried totally different than with our first or even our current). He was all out. I had grown scans for him. I think it was about a week before I gave birth to him that they said to expect a 10 lber. They where right for me, but I do know weight is never a guarantee with scans and have heard stories of baby being 2 lbs or more smaller.
This pregnancy, at the 20 week scan, just like her siblings she was measuring about a week ahead, but normal for us. Currently with Fundal height, I am measuring spot on, but I feel she's taking right after her sister and is hiding her true size.

I will also say, with our first daughter, to get her out was a nightmare. 90 minutes of pushing and I struggled with that. I also tore with her a little where I needed a few stitches. With our son, five minutes of pushing and he was out, super easy with him, and I didn't tear at all.

not sure if this has helped anyone but that's my experience.
I'm good thank you sweetness. Still not pregnant but we are off to see the gp this month as it's been a year now. Fingers crossed you haven't got pre eclampsia! X

Awww hon I was so hoping you was gonna get pregnant quick. Glad ure seeing. GP I'm sure they will be able to run a few tests. It will happen sweety keep that faith. It will happen.

I hope not to hon. It's still swollen and the other one is starting to swell as well. Will have to just see what happens.

i really dont feel like baby is gonna be huge aswell, i dont think im as big as when i had my other 3 and they was all 6ibers, the one thing that different this time is the GD! oh she is head down, very low down, the woman struggled to get her head measurement! not long left now for us :) i cant wait x

Same here hon. My hubby doesn't think baby will be any bigger than 6 to 7lbs but I'm gonna say 8 and half lbs just so I'm prepared haha. I only grow 7 to 8lb babies and that's at 40 weeks so at least I'm having this one early so I'm hoping he wont be that big.
Those scans just put the fear of God into you but they are so inaccurate. Did u have GD b4 hon?
Seen a 8lb baby yesterday and he was so tiny. I think u forget just how tiny they are. Heaven knows what my 5lb daughter was like she was. Very very tiny. Wudnt want one that small again she scared me I thought I was going to break her. A nice 6 to 7lb wud be perfect [-o<
Main thing is a healthy baby. My DD spent 17 days in special care baby unit and I dont want that happening again. It's a known fact that bigger babies are more content and easier as well.

Don't worry about a big baby. I still strongly believe your body only makes the baby the size you are able to handle.
My first was 9 lbs 3 oz, 22 inches, and I never measured ahead with her with fundal height, and never got growth scans.
My second was 10 lbs 5 oz 21.5 inches, and I always measured 4 weeks ahead with him (carried totally different than with our first or even our current). He was all out. I had grown scans for him. I think it was about a week before I gave birth to him that they said to expect a 10 lber. They where right for me, but I do know weight is never a guarantee with scans and have heard stories of baby being 2 lbs or more smaller.
This pregnancy, at the 20 week scan, just like her siblings she was measuring about a week ahead, but normal for us. Currently with Fundal height, I am measuring spot on, but I feel she's taking right after her sister and is hiding her true size.

I will also say, with our first daughter, to get her out was a nightmare. 90 minutes of pushing and I struggled with that. I also tore with her a little where I needed a few stitches. With our son, five minutes of pushing and he was out, super easy with him, and I didn't tear at all.

not sure if this has helped anyone but that's my experience.

Wow hon 10lb that is very big. Fair play to you momma u deserve a medal. =D>

I grow 7 to 8lb babies at 40 weeks but im having this one 2 or 3 weeks early providing all my bloods remain stable and I dont get pre eclampsia again.

Both feet and ancles swollen now can also push it around it's like water. This is exactly how I was last time with the pre eclampsia.
Really hope it isnt that.
hi i never went for th GTT with my other 3 so not sure if i had it or not, im now on 3 tablets a day and its looking like i will be put on insulin next week :( x
Waiting to see with mine....7lb8 at 36 weeks, estimated weight at 38weeks 9lb10. I have lost 3lb inbetween! Obstetrician has insisted on inducing me at 39weeks. Which i’m ok with as was due to be induced at 40 due to age, and they can’t fit me in anyway until 39+2 and I’m booked as an extra so entirely expecting to be cancelled.

Not thrilled with the idea of pushing out a massive baby or that the consultant has written all over my notes that I must have early decision for C section due to size. I don’t think the evidence supports this.

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