My son is 3 weeks old today - at his 2 week weigh-in he was still 60 grams below his birthweight. In the last 5 days he has only put on 60 grams... the mw said this was on the low side - I will be bringing him back to be weighed again next week.
Of course this has left me fretting and worried
He feeds approx. every 3 hours (sometimes more sometimes less) - generally for 10 minutes on each breast (sometimes less during the day). The mw suggested I have him suck for 20 minutes on one breast, offering the other if he wants more, otherwise changing breast at the next feed.
Anyone had similiar experience? Any tips?
Can low weight-gain affect his early development?
Of course this has left me fretting and worried

Anyone had similiar experience? Any tips?
Can low weight-gain affect his early development?