I'm not sure the exact date I ovulated but I know Sept 3 to Sept 7 (on and off)I had EWCM.
My bf and I bd on Sept 6 with no protection and he didnt pull out.
According to my Ovia Fertility app, my fertile window was between Sept 1 and Sept 6.
Starting yesterday, September 12, I've been having cramping, fatigue, a little bloating, sore nipples, boobs seem fuller, increased appetite even though I drink a lot of water. Oh also for the past 3 days, I've woken up with a blood/metallic taste in mouth. Last time my gums bled or I had this taste, I was pregnant.
My period isn't due until Sept 18 according to the app(it's been pretty spot on give or take a couple of days).
I normally get cramping day before and day of AF and full/sore boobs the day before. I never feel tired during PMS.
Is there a possibility of pregnancy? With my pregnancy last year, the only symptom I really had was fatigue (but I was also working longer hours at work around then so I attributed the fatigue to that). I had zero implantation cramping, no sore boobs, nothing.
I'm not sure the exact date I ovulated but I know Sept 3 to Sept 7 (on and off)I had EWCM.
My bf and I bd on Sept 6 with no protection and he didnt pull out.
According to my Ovia Fertility app, my fertile window was between Sept 1 and Sept 6.
Starting yesterday, September 12, I've been having cramping, fatigue, a little bloating, sore nipples, boobs seem fuller, increased appetite even though I drink a lot of water. Oh also for the past 3 days, I've woken up with a blood/metallic taste in mouth. Last time my gums bled or I had this taste, I was pregnant.
My period isn't due until Sept 18 according to the app(it's been pretty spot on give or take a couple of days).
I normally get cramping day before and day of AF and full/sore boobs the day before. I never feel tired during PMS.
Is there a possibility of pregnancy? With my pregnancy last year, the only symptom I really had was fatigue (but I was also working longer hours at work around then so I attributed the fatigue to that). I had zero implantation cramping, no sore boobs, nothing.