Bad period pains. Scared of pain threshold


Mammy to 2
Nov 9, 2008
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This probably sounds really stupid but I was woken up this morning with horrific period pains. I got up to get neurofen and I started panicking then thinking how would I ever cope with labour if I can't cope with period pains. The pain was coming in waves with no let up (for about an hour) and I am still sore 15 hours later.

Sorry, if I sound like a baby but is anyone else worried about this?
hun dont, worry when u actually are in labour u just learn to cope and your not really think about it, your think about what your have after :) , and if u cant cope u get drugs :D lol

Thanks Ilovemybump,

I just felt like such a wimp. I think I would probably be screaming for drugs after the 1st contraction. I always thought that I had a fairly high threshold but obviously not :sad1::
Aw hun! Don't worry about that! Like Ilovemybump said, when you are in labour it doesn't seem as bad... Maybe because you know the pains are for something, like each contraction works towards dilating your cervix and bringing your baby to you - they are GOOD. Whereas period pains are just pointless pain and you end up feeling sorry for yourself lol.

I would really reccomend looking into taking a hypnobirthing course. Just learning about labour and what happens during this and childbirth can take away a lot of the fear and make you feel ready for labour, which can take away a lot more pain than you would think! Maybe you could use this time while you are waiting to clue up on what happens during labour and child birth?

But also like Ilovemybump says, if you really cannot / do not want to handle the pain, there is drugs :D I had pethidine and let me tell you that is a wonderful drug hahaha :rofl: But epidurals can take away all the pain completely, but then there is more risk with this... But you will get to find out all about these options closer the time (or you could research them yourself in this waiting time).

Don't let the idea put you off of having a baby - the baby you get in the end of it is more than worth it! There is actually a thread in the Postpartum forum about how we who have had children wish we could go back and do it again! :dohh: lmao Maybe reading this thread will give you some comfort and reassurance?

I hate period pains - I curl into a ball and cry... but I handled my labour beautifully so I am told lol - My husband described me as "a picture of birthing perfection" :rofl:

I hope that you aren't put off by the idea of labour - I found it a wonderful experience and would do it again in a heartbeat (and I don't have a high pain threshold!) lol

Good luck - And no more worrying! :hug: xx

Edit: I found the link to that thread for you:
Thanks TashaAndBump,

Your so kind to take the time to post. I will have a look at the hypnobirthing and also read up a bit more about epidural etc etc so I am more clued up!

On a positive note, I started taking my folic acid supplements for the first time today. It feels a bit mad. That's prob why I freaked a little bit!
Aww when are you starting to TTC? We're now hoping for a Feb / March starting to try for #2 :D

... So it can't be that bad - or people wouldn't ever have more than one! :lol:
Yeah, it's true what you are saying.

Hoping to ttc in March or April. Need to get my wonky bits sorted out first. Did it take you long to conceive the first time? By the way, Anna is gorgeous. No wonder you want to try again!
Aww thanks :D It didn't take us long at all; We weren't trying! Best surprise we ever got! lol (I was on the pill at the time - one month with a tummy bug and I got pregnant!)

We don't know how long it will take us to conieve this time. Could be a while. I sadly suffered from PID so I've been told my fallopian tubes (or one of at least) are probably scarred making it hard for an egg to travel all the way down to my uterus, decreasing the chances of a :bfp: and substancially increasing the risks of an ectopic pregnancy. Hopefully we will be lucky, though and catch a good egg! :)

March / April will be here in no time. Looks like we may be trying at the same time! :) Hopefully we'll see each other in the first tri forum! :happydance:
I'm sure it was a lovely surprise! Yeah, March/April are only around the corner and it won't be long before we are both ttc. Would be great to be around the same stage alright. I am just going to leave it with fate for the first few months and if nothing happens I will then try all the other things. Exciting stuff though! Did you put Anna's birth story up? I would love to read it.
Here you go! :D
That's a fantastic story. It sounds like you coped with labour incredibly well. That story has made me feel a million times better. Thanks for sending me the link.
No worries :) And if you have any questions or anything about any specific parts of labour or anything (now or closer to the time) don't hesitate to ask :D

I would reccomend looking into hypnobirthing, though - It is worth the money for the course. My mum took this (she got pregnant at the same time as me) and she had a completely natural and genuinely pain-free birth. The midwives didn't even believe she was in labour because she was so calm and wasn't in any pain - so she had the baby at home with no pain relief and no midwife present! But she and baby are very happy and healthy :D It's incredible... She is now looking into training as a hypnobirthing therapist as she believes that this should be a birthing method available to all women :)

I'm glad you are feeling better now - Labour and birth really can be beautiful and joyful experiences x
I certainly will look into it if it makes you relaxed and calm! Thanks!
oh god i get horrific period pains so bad i can barley move... they suck big time.. but im sure u wil be able to deal with labour pains, because at the end u will get a reward, and just keep it in mind that it is for ur little miricle. ive often thought of the same. :hug:
I think of period pains as helpful, to get you used to pain before you go through labour. That's what i tell myself when i feel like my insides are coming out. xx
I think period pains are in a completely different league than labor pains. I was induced and made it quite a while until I got an epidural (which was the BEST THING EVER!!! :rofl:) This last month I had a period so bad that I thought I was going to pass out from the cramps. It is a completely different way of feeling, no slow revving up like labor, just straight-out torture. As others have said, labor is something you can deal with in your mindset (hypnobirth is very effective) or if all else fails, drugs. Periods are, well, just evil. You will do great when it comes to the time, and besides, you will be so excited to meet your little one, that helps tons too! :D
i really thinking the same, but its amazing how you just cope and get on with it x
Thanks everyone for replying. I suppose you are more in 'the zone' when you are in labour, than for worthless period pains. It has helped to get some input from everyone and I am defo going to look into hypno-birthing!
You may want to read Mind of Labor. :D

Also, labor doesn't have to be as painful as it is made out to be. Little things like being some place familiar, having a support system, not being flat on your back, and being in warm water can help. The latter may even help with the menstrual cramps. I had bad cramps as a child, and it helped when i exercised.

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