Not a big deal at all. I had huge dips during my past BFPs. If you see large spikes that is a great sign (called a triphasic pattern), but dips here and there are ok. A dip way below cover line would likely mean AF is coming, but a dip above cover line is normal.
If you're pregnant, it will stay above the cover line. If you aren't, it will drop around the time you start AF - sometimes the same day, sometimes a day or 2 before.
You have to take your bbt as soon as you wake up, after at least 3-4 hours of continuous sleep. It must be before getting up, talking, drinking or eating. It also needs to be taken at the same time every morning, within a 30 minute period.
Hey, I've got this temping thing down, girls. Unfortunately, I think I'm becoming a pro. I'd gladly give up my practice, however, to just get a baby in MY BELLY. lol (;
Well your chart does look good...but anything from 10-16lp is considered normal, so maybe it is long? Have you charted your ovulation day before with OPK's? Just wondering if you have had long lp's before.