Thanks so much, I will bear that in mind. Its so difficult not to worry isn't it and the longer we are TTC the more I think I worry. There's a part of my mind that doesn't think about TTC as much as I did in the early days as I have less hope of it happening (I think if it hasn't so far then why would it now) but then the other part of me thinks about it a lot and worries that it hasn't happened. When I phoned to get the results of my bloods I was thinking that if it was good I'd be relieved but I came off the phone and cried as I felt as though 'well if everything's ok with me why isn't it happening'?? I know it was stupid to have that reaction but couldn't help it.
I'm sorry to hear that you both have issues, but I can see from your sig that you're getting assistance with conceiving so I will really keep my fingers crossed for you.
As for my cycle its very regular. Bang on 28 days - to within an hour or so of the previous month. The only time it's changed is when I've taken pregnacare and other similar vitamins which has made my cycle two days longer (I think this must be something to do with the B vitamins). As soon as I stop taking them it goes back to 28 days. I'm not sure which is best, but I kind of feel more comfortable at 28 days as I know when to expect AF and don't feel as though I'm wondering why AF is late. Maybe this should be outweighed by the benefits of the vitamins though - I'm not sure. I actually saw a nutritionist a few months ago who said that vitamins should not lengthen a cycle, but should regulate it and the fact that mine had got longer meant it SHOULD be longer, but I'm not sure whether I agree. Because we've started having tests I decided it best to keep off the vitamins unless instructed otherwise as it means I can plan ahead better for any tests and also any 'levels' I have are natural and not affected by vitamins (I just take folic acid).
I haven't ever tried doing temping, just as I didn't want the whole process to become regimented. I couldnt see any point in pinpointing ovulation due to the fact that we have regular BDing anyway, but I do realise there is more to it than that. I mentioned it to my GP and she advised against it as she said it wouldn't increase our chances. I know some people would disagree though and say that it confirms OV etc, but I just didn't want to get too obsessed either IYKWIM.
Sorry for the long answer by the way - I've realised I can waffle when I want to!!!