Be my buddy please!


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Jul 29, 2011
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Hi girls! We've been NTNP for the past 7 months and this is the first month we're going for it hardcore! We timed everything right this month and I'm 10 dpo (got a BFN last night - boo!) Anywho, I'm starting to get stressed that something could be wrong since I've been off BC since December. I'm starting to get borderline obsessive now:wacko: A little about me, I'm 29 and have a four year-old son from a previous marriage. My OH is a younger man;) He's 24.:thumbup: If anyone wants to obsess with me, I would loooove to! Pretty please...
Hi! I wouldn't worry if you've been NTNP. Contrary to what our parents always told us, its actually really difficult to get pregnant, so if you haven't been paying attention to the timing that doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong.
Anyway, I would love to obsess with you! I have a big time obsession with symptom spotting, although I have to admit that I just found out this month that I may not be ovulating every month. If you don't mind talking to someone who may potentially have an ovulation issue, I am here!

Just a little background, I am 26, dh is 29, and we are ttc#1.
Yay!!! Of course I don't mind, I'd be glad to obsess with you! So do you think you're out for this month or no? What day of your cycle are you on? Are you planning on testing soon? Can't wait to talk more! Btw I'm in PA so we're not too far apart!
I'm pretty sure I'm out this month. I'm on CD30, but I'm pretty sure I didn't ovulate this month, so I'm just waiting to start over. How about you... are you planning to take another test this week? 10dpo is still kind of early so you are def still in this month. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!

That's great that you are in PA, it means we are in the same time zone. :)
Do you use OPKs? Does your doc know why? My sister had, I think, low progesterone, which was causing her not to ovulate. She took medication for awhile, but then went off of it and decided to stop trying, and surprise, got pregnant:) Her baby is almost two now, plus she had two other kids prior to that so don't get discouraged!
I was going to wait until AF was due to test, but I might cave tomorrow:/ I swear I have symptoms but it's so annoying not knowing if you're imagining them!
If you're on cycle day 30, you don't have too long to wait to BD again...FX!! Let me know if ya find out more about what's causing you not to ovulate! I'm here to listen if you need to vent!!!
So sorry for not responding yesterday... we were at the in laws all day until very late.

This is my fourth month using OPKs, and they basically indicate I'm ovulating every other month. My doctor told me to use them for three months and then see her again to reassess, so I'm going back to her in September. I know I can get pregnant bc I had a bfp that ended in a chemical pregnancy in April. At least the silver lining in that whole situation is knowing its possible. I'm not going to stress about it all yet, and I have one more month to give it a go before I go back to the Dr., so keeping my fingers crossed!

Symptom spotting during the tww is torture! Last month I was so sure I was pregnant bc I had the exact same symptoms as I did before my c/p in April. It's definitely a psychological battle between your brain and body. Are you having a lot of symptoms? You have a son already right?... do you remember the symptoms you had before that bfp?
If you end up testing today, let me know what you see! GL!!

On a side note, I have just discovered all these adorable smiley faces this site has, so sending you some :dust: Hoping you see a BFP soon!
Now I'm sorry for not responding! I was out kayaking all day sore now!Love the little fairy:) That's great news that you know it's possible - but I'm sorry about the chemical pregnancy:( Hopefully the doc will be able to give you more info on why it's not happening every month. Maybe you'll have two eggs on the months you are ovulating and make twins:)
Yep I do have a son but I wasn't really symptom spotting at the time. We'd been married for awhile and were NTNP. At the time, my periods were irregular so I was two weeks late by the time I even started suspected something - duh. My signs then were I was sooooo tired, grumpy, my boobs hurt, and I kept getting hot flashes. I was close to 7 weeks pregnant by the time I went to the doc though.
I'm thinking I'm out for this month - bummer! I took a $ store test on 11 dpo. It wasn't FMU or a sensitive test but it was a BFN. I know everyone's saying that could be too early, but I can't help getting discouraged by all these early positives:/ I could swear I still have symptoms even though I've accepted in my head I'm out though. I practically bite people's heads off for the smallest things, and my bathroom habits have, err changed. I guess I just have terrible PMS. I'm due tomorrow or the next day so I'm just gonna wait it out. To be honest, I'm so tired of obsessing over it that I'll be a little relieved to just get my AF already. It's so hard to see those BFNs!
If you didn't ovulate this month, next month should be a good one right? Make sure you keep me updated on those OPKs. FX for you!!!!
Ooooh, kayaking sounds like fun! I've never been in a kayak, but I'm a big fan of canoeing. We used to go every year down the Delaware, but we've been too busy the last few years to go.

It's funny that you mention twins because my husband is a twin. I really only want one baby for our first (although if it happened I know I would be happy). One of my concerns is that the Dr. will put me on clomid to solve my ovulation issue, which raises you chances of twins from 1% to 10%. But at this point in time I'm not going to worry about it too much... I'd rather have 2 babies than 0.

I love the $ store tests. I never feel bad about wasting them by testing too early.
And I know what you mean about being relieved about AF. Sometimes I feel better knowing its a new month and i can start over. And don't get discouraged by all the early positives. I don't know how some women get bfps around 7dpo. (I swear they're lying.) I think the norm is somewhere around 12dpo-ish, but it definitely depends on the person.

So I'm pretty sure AF is here for me, but its probably the weirdest one ever. I started spotting on Saturday, but I didn't think much of it. But its been going on for three days now, so I think I'm just going to call Sunday CD1 and maybe start using opks a few days early just to be safe. It will be nice to have a cycle buddy next month. :) I try to talk to dh, but he really doesn't understand.
Kayaking is really fun! That's the first time I tried it and I loved it! I think I might buy one soon because it's so nice to be outside, exercising and getting a tan lol.
Well the good news is our cycles are really close together because the :witch: got me this morning. Sighhh. So I'm on CD1 today. Did you say how long your cycles are? I've been charting and mine are almost always 30 days with a 14 day luteal phase. Hopefully we'll get positive OPKs around the same time:thumbup:
That's so cool that your husband is a twin! I'd probably be freaked out by twins at first too, but I think there would be a lot of cool things about having them!
Did you test just to make sure you're not preggers with the weird period? I was SO annoyed this morning cause I checked for AF, it usually comes in the AM. There was nothing, so I took a test. The second I was done the test it came! Before I could even look at my stupid BFN. Ugh.
I agree it will be sooo nice to have a cycle buddy. Guys just don't get it. My OH is the same way. He really wants a baby but he hates talking about anything having to do with my cycle haha. Sometimes it's fun to try to gross him out:winkwink: Also, he gets all freaked out if he thinks about it too much during BD so it's better not to make him feel pressured. I'll save all my neurotic obsessing for you - you lucky girl! Keep in touch! I feel so much better already knowing someone else is right there with me:)
So I took a test this morning just to be safe. A bfn, which I was expecting. I'm actually kind of relieved bc I definitely didn't stop drinking like I normally would after a positive opk. I'm looking forward to starting over this month. I'm still a little on edge bc this is the weirdest af ever. :wacko: Is it possible to stress yourself into weird cycles? If so, than I think that is my problem. My mother keeps telling me to stop thinking about it and it will just happen, but that's easier said than done.

So sorry for your bfn this morning. :( I guess there's always next month. I like going into each cycle saying, "It's going to happen this month!" I keep hoping optimism is enough to get pregnant, lol. Hasn't worked yet, but we'll see.

My cycles vary in length. Before ttc, I always thought they averaged 35 days, but now that I'm keeping track I'm finding they range anywhere from 31 to 40 days. If I ovulate, than its on the shorter side. I'm still working on figuring out my luteal phase. I've only been keeping track since Feb, and two of those cycles were screwed up by the chemical. The last one was 11 days I think. I usually get a positive opk around cd19 or 20 if I'm going to get a positive at all. But as I said, I haven't been keeping track for that long. I expect a positive opk hopefully around Aug 19. If I didn't get one last month, I'm pretty sure I'll get one this month. So hopefully ours will be positive around the same time. (Yay someone to compare with!)

Feel free to obsess and vent my way all you want! I love having someone to talk to that understands. I never knew what an emotional toll ttc takes on you!
I think it's definitely possible to stress yourself into weird cycles! There have been times where I didn't get AF for a month or more when I was really stressed! I'd say try to relax but I know it's not possible;)
I like your optimism! I will go into this month with nothing but positive thoughts! We should ovulate at almost exactly the same time - yay!!! I'm expecting Aug. 18th or 19th. I can't wait to compare smilies:)
So what's your favorite thing to do to pass the time until its time to bd? I'm trying to get in shape and lose those few pesky lbs I've gained since we started ttc. :dohh: However so far I've only lost two.
I always find the two weeks in the beginning of the month easier to get through since it means I can have a glass of wine, or eat sushi or all the other things the books tell you not to do during the tww.

What are your plans for the next week and a half-ish?
That's exactly what I'm trying to do! With my first pregnancy, I gained 52 lbs.! UGH. I'm 5-10 lbs. above what I'd like to be now, so it'd be great if I could lose that before I start gaining during pregnancy. I'm trying to do a lot more outdoor activities and I just started running. I'm hoping I can learn to like far, ehh. We'll see:)
I think the first two weeks are wayyy better too! I hardly even obsess over it during this time. Yep, wine, sushi, caffeine I do it all - terrible:)
I'm really going to just try to relax over the next week and a half. How about you? I got myself so stressed over the last TWW and it was awful! Hopefully we can distract each other this time;)
So what are you doing to get in shape? What's your favorite form of exercise? I hate the gym and I'd much rather be outside so I'm trying to stick to that since I'm known to lose motivation.
Are you changing the way you eat at all while TTC? I'm just making sure I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and TRYING to cut down on caffeine.
I think if we just focus on being our healthiest, most positive selfs, we're more than prepared! Now it just has to happen!
I would love to exercise outside, but its just been too hot this summer. The humidity was so high today it felt like an oven. We just got a new exercise bike a few weeks ago. It's a recumbent bike, so if I ever do get pregnant I will be able to use it the whole nine months. So far I've only lost 2 lbs but I'm pretty sure I gained it back, lol. (Dh lost 15 though!)

We have been eating healthier lately and I've been cooking a lot more than I used to. I'm definitely making more vegetables and less red meat. And I was trying to cut down on caffeine, and I had completely stopped drinking it when we first started ttc. But I gave in after a few months, so now I have one cup a day. And I think it will be even harder to give up the occasional glass of wine after a long day.

Sorry, mini rant coming up... I have absolutely no idea what is going on with my body. What I had assumed was af turned out to be just 4 days of spotting that never really picked up into a full af. So I don't know whether to count it as the beginning of the cycle or not. As a precaution, I decided to use my leftover opks since I had a few left. I use the cheapies, which come in a pack of 20 and are only good for 30 days from the time you open them. I though I had a positive yesterday, and and then again last night and this morning. But I don't know if I am interpreting them right. I bought new ones today and it was definitely negative. So now I have no idea what's going on. :( I've never had a cycle this weird before. I think you are right about relaxing. I'm going to make more time to relax and stop stressing about all this. I think stressing is what's messing up my cycle. We are going on vacation in 3 weeks, so maybe that will help? Sorry for going on and on, but thank's for letting me vent!
You're not going on and on! Vent anytime! I wish I knew what the deal was with the spotting and OPKs - very weird! It's amazing what stress can do to our bodies though! When I was going through a divorce I didn't get a period for 3 months at one point! It could very well be messing with you! BUT I'd def still call the gyno, maybe make an appointment? Let me know if you find anything out! In the meantime, are you just going to start testing with OPKs around the same time you would've if what you thought was your period was it? Did that make sense? LOL. Or are you just going to test every day since you have the cheapies?
I think a vacay is definitely in order for you! I really hope that the relaxing time with your DH is just what you need to make a baby!
It's been ridiculously hot here too and it's a very convenient excuse for why I can't exercise at all:) I wish I was one of those people who loves it, but I hate to sweat or experience any kind of physical pain so...I haven't lost any weight either;)
I just talked to a friend yesterday and she and her DH are trying for a baby this month too. She wants us to get pregnant at the same time and so do I, but she has three kids, all of whom were conceived on the first try:/ I really wish I could have a preggy buddy but I have a feeling it could be stressful/depressing if she gets pregnant right away and I get another BFN. Ugh, I really always thought it was easy. I think starting on the 14th, we'll DTD every other day until maybe the 21st. I just recently heard that it's better to do every other day to keep sperm counts up. If you don't mind sharing, do you try every day or every other?
Keep me posted on what's going on with your wacky cycle! I really hope we ovulate around the same time!
I have an appt with the gyn on Sept 12th, but I'm debating on making it sooner. She wanted me to use okp's for 3 months and then report back to her. I have about 2 months worth, not counting the cycle after the chemical pregnancy. Hmm... not sure if I want to move it up or not. I think today was a much better day bc I actually took time to do nothing after I got home from work. Sometimes you need to do NOTHING. :wohoo:

I'm using the OPKs now since they are the cheapies. I figure it would be worse to miss an ovulation than to waste a few strips. This is about the time I would normally start testing anyway. Side story: It was so weird, I bought a new kit from CVS a few weeks ago, and I opened it the other day and the cup was missing, the seal was broken, and 5 strips were missing. On closer inspection I saw the box had been glued back together. EWWWW! I really want to take them back to CVS bc they are so expensive, but its all men who work the counter, and that will be sooo awkward, lol. Oh well.

I really hope you and your friend get to be pregnant at the same time. Comparing pregnancy symptoms in person is so much better than over the internet. Fingers crossed for both of you!! I know it's very frustrating when other people seem to get pregnant so easily, but don't worry though, it will happen! I just figure the longer it takes, the more the baby will be wanted and loved.

To answer your question about :sex:, I've heard conflicting advice. I think if your OH has a normal sperm count, every day is good. If the count is a little lower, than every other day is better. Personally, I like to dtd every day the week before and up to ovulation. However, the month I had the c/p I think we only bd'd twice: the day of the pos opk and the next day. DTD every day is actually really time consuming and it turns sex more into a chore than fun, but I try to do it anyway just in case I have to miss a day. Which method do you prefer? Have you looked at all into the Sprem Meets Egg Plan? I saw someone talking about it the other day, and I think I might be interested in trying it... maybe next month. I don't know enough to really explain it myself, but if you get a chance, google it and let me know what you think.
I'm so sorry to hear that! As you can see, I am in the same boat. :( Why don't you tell us a little about yourself and your situation?
Hi Hoping4You! Good to "meet" you:) Tell us more!
ruby09 SO. GROSS about the OPKs! Who does that!?? I know what you mean about it being awkward taking it back to guys! I'd still do it though. They prob won't even know what they are - men are clueless.
I'd have a hard time not making the appt sooner! Buutt, if you try this month, you really wouldn't have long to wait after AF until the appt. Let me know what you decide! No + OPK yet?
:hugs: Thanks about getting pregnant with my friend! I want you and me to be preggo together too though:thumbup:
That's crazy you mentioned the sperm meets egg plan because I was looking at a post about it and there were so many BFP's I thought well I'll HAVE to try it. I do hate when BD becomes a stressful chore though! From what I got from the post, you BD every other day starting on the 9th day of your cycle and then every day during + OPK. Is that right?? That's a lot of :sex: My poor OH pressures himself so much anyway when it's time to try - won't be easy for him but I think we should both commit;) It's getting clooossser to the time - my fingers are crossed for you!!! Sending so many positive thoughts - we got this;)

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