Be my buddy please!

Yeah, I'm definitely gonna return the opks. Maybe I'll make dh do it, lol. He's good with those sort of things. Back when we were dating, I knew he was the one bc he ran to the mini mart to buy me a box of tampax once. I figured if he'd do that, he was worth keeping. :)

I think the next normal cycle I have, I'm going to try the sperm meets egg plan. This cycle is just a little screwy and I'm still not sure if I'm on cd12 or cd42. :wacko: I also still haven't decided if 4 days of spotting counts as an af. :shrug: Still checking opk's but nothing yet. I think your right about moving the dr. appt. Gonna see if they can get me in before we go away.

I want to get pregnant at the same time as you too! My goal is to be pregnant by October 2nd. That way I can announce it at Christmas. It's silly to think about things like that, but I don't care. :)

Have you started using opks yet? Let me know when you get a positive! Sending good thoughts right back at you!
I think of things like when I'd announce it all the time, so I'm right there with ya:) Have you thought of a cute way you would tell your dh? I also think of the most irrelevant things like whether they'd be able to have cool birthday parties in the month they're born, what their birthstone would be, etc.
That is so frustrating about your cycle! Even if you can't get an earlier appt., at least maybe you could talk to a nurse and get some answers!
I used the OPKs with lines for a month or two, just to get an idea of when I was Oing. Then last month, when we really started to try, I used the smilies. I think they are so much easier! I don't know what my problem was, but I could never figure out which line was darker. And it seemed like I got a dark line for like 4 days. I was clueless lol. The smiley face is so much easier! For my dumb butt anyway;)
I will let you know as soon as I get a +! And I will be sending + thoughts your way the whole time! I'm expecting it around the 18th. I think I might just start :sex: every other day today though - just to be safe. It's my modified sperm meets egg plan since I haven't actually looked up details yet:wacko:
I am waiting for the good news that you got your OPK:happydance: It would be so cool if we could go through it all together!:hugs:
I don't really have a cute way to tell dh... last time I sent him a text message while he was in a night class (dh is a grad student). I was so floored by the bfp and I was kinda of having a panic attack and decided he needed to join me, lol. I think next time I will just wait for him to get home. How will you tell your OH? Do you have big plans?

I think you are smart to use the smiley's. The lines are sooo hard to interpret. I would use them to if my cycle were more regular. However I usually end up going through 15-20 tests a month, which gets expensive after a while. I did get some of the stick tests at walmart though. I still have to interpret the line, but they seem much easier to use.

So I think I've decided that the 4 days of spotting doesn't count as af. I've always had the opposite problem, so this one baffles me. I've been feeling kind of icky for 2 days like af's coming, so I've been trying to help it along. I took a while bunch of vitamin C, parsley tea, and chamomile supplements. So if af is around the corner, this should make her come soon. If she shows by tomorrow, it means I will probably ovulate in a few weeks on my vacation, which I would be happy about. In the mean time, I'm still using the opks every day just in case, and I took a $1 store hpt just to be sure also. Ugh, I hate not knowing what's going on!! I have never been more confused in my life. :(
You poor thing! Like it's not frustrating enough TTC, you have all that to contend with on top of it. :wacko: Ugh! I really, really hope you ovulate on vacay - that would be the perfect time!!! FX for AF to come soon - come ON already! Have you googled spotting or anything to see if that would count as a period?
I haven't really thought of a cute way to tell OH either, mainly because I know I don't have the patience, and I'd end up just blurting it out:)
Speaking of those dumb smilies - I tried to use one this morning and it kept flashing the error symbol no matter what I did. It did it twice when I inserted the stick into it, before I even peed on the dumb thing. You have to wait 8 minutes each time before it goes away and I hadn't peed since last night!!! I practically peed myself waiting:growlmad: Then it was finally ready and as soon as I set it down, it showed the error sign again. So I wasted a stick and held my pee for no reason! I'm afraid it's the actual reading thingy itself that isn't working so I might have to stop and get another (ridiculously expensive) one today. When I pulled the stick out, the two lines were close in color so I'm thinking it should be + in the next day or two and I don't wanna miss it. I'm just going to BD every other night anyway but I want to make sure I hit all 3 days on the important ones ya know?
What is your DH going to school for? Do you work? What do ya do?
Ok, trying this one more time since I accidentally deleted my first post just as I was finishing it. (Grrr)

Oh no! That sux about the digital opk! Damn technology-Opk's should be easier (esp digital ones!) FX'd that you get it working in time to see a smiley face tomorrow! I was thinking about getting one of the digital opks. Dh likes to shop online so he tried to find a good deal on one, but no go. So I'll probably stick with the cheapies for now. I fee like if I could use a normal person amount of tests per month, a digi would be practical. However this month I've used around 40 tests. :wacko:

So, after two melt downs in the last two days, I finally made an appt with the obgyn and they are squeezing me in on Wednesday. I'm kind of relieved, and I never thought I would be excited about the gyn, haha. I think clomid will be the next step since I'm not ovulating on my own, but I'm anxious to hear her opinion on it. All I have to do is make it through tomorrow. :)

Dh is working on his PsyD in counseling and school psychology. It's a pretty demanding program, however we decided not to wait to ttc since he's got another 4 more years, and that will make me almost 30, and him 34. We want 3-4 kids so we figured we better start now. Plus his schedule is a little more open, so he's home about 2 days a week which will be convenient if we have a little one to watch. As for me, I work as an admin at a university. It's mostly tax paperwork and record keeping, but it pays the bills. After dh is settled in his carreer, I'll work on finding something that I like a little better.
How about you? Do you work or stay home with your little boy?

I'm really hoping this is your month! Only one or two more days until the tww wait for you! :happydance:
YAYYY!!! I am sooo happy you got an appointment:happydance: I think you will feel so much better after getting a professional opinion! Update me as soon as you get back! LOL about getting excited to see the gyno - it's crazy what we're willing to do when we want babies!
I tried the dumb digital test again this morning. At first it said error again, but I asked about it on the TTC board yesterday and someone said pee in a cup and wait for it to be normal so I tried that and it worked. Still - but it worked lol! I'm expecting to O on the 18th so I'm not overly concerned - yet! I'm just on the good ol' every other night schedule until then. Not gonna lie, I'm not tired of it:haha: OH actually has to stay awake when I'm feeling frisky so I'm taking full advantage lol.
That's great that your DH is getting his PsyD, but I'm sure stressful! My sister has a master's in guidance counseling and she loves it! It's so hard to figure out baby timing with jobs! I do work full-time and I feel like there's never enough time to do good at my job and be the best mommy! I do marketing and freelance writing on the side. I like what I do, but I was a stay-at-home mom when I was married so it's very hard for me to be away from my son so much! He's older now so it's a little better, but it's still tough only seeing him a couple hours a night and every other weekend:cry: I would love to be able to get enough freelance work so that when I have another one, I can stay home and write at night. OH owns his own construction business, so it's semi-flexible, but health insurance is expensive and the idea of giving up benefits and insurance in this economy scares the heck outta me!
I'll update you when I hopefully get a + OPK and I'll be waiting for your appointment update! I can't wait to hear! Good luck, I'll be thinking of you!!!
One more thing, since you live in New you watch Real Housewives of New Jersey? Feel free to tell me it's awful and only losers watch that crap:) I know it's terrible but RHONJ is my fave of all the Housewives shows, and yep I watch most of 'em. Lame I know!
Got my positive OPK! WOOT WOOT!!! Time to get down to business;)
Ok last time I post something but I know you had your appointment today and you're killing me not sharing results! Hope you got good news!!!
So sorry, this is the first I've been able to get on today! Crazy day!

Ok, I saw the obgyn today and she said that since I'm ovulating so irregularly (2 times in 7 months) that I could either keep trying for a few more months or try the clomid, so I opted for the clomid. It's 50 mgs with a day 5 start. And she also gave me provera to start af. This is funny bc she said to take the provera for 10 days and then af would arrive shortly after, HOWEVER I am leaving for Aruba in 10 days, and I really don't want af while we're at the beach, so I think I'm going to hold onto the provera until I get back. I'm nervous but excited about the clomid. I can't deal with another month like this, so I hope it works! I have 3 months worth before she wants me back... so lets hope it works! So now I'm just waiting on the results of the pregnancy blood test my dr. insisted on doing. I know its negative, but it still makes me anxious to wait for the results. If its positive, someone is gonna need to scrape me off the floor.

Hurray for the positive opk!!! :yipee: Time to :sex: (I have been dying to use that icon ever since I joined BnB) Out of curiosity, what cd are you on? I'm always curious when normal people ovulate, lol. I'm hoping to ovulate like a normal person next month too, haha.

Fingers Crossed that this is your month. Good luck!!! :dust:
Ok, I ran out of space on the last post, so going on to the next.
I actually have not seen the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Dh has a thing about reality shows and he's always poking fun at me when I turn them on. I've only ever seen 1 episode of the Jersey Shore too, lol. I am a total sitcom junkie though. We just got netflix a dew months ago, which basically lets you watch every episode of almost any tv show. I just watched every episode of Arrested Development, which was awesome. I also watch Psych, Burn Notice, Futurama (bc my husband and I are total nerds) and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Lol, I think I have TV listed as one of my hobbies.

PS, we are taking our computer on vacay with us, so I will be around for all necessary venting. I promise to be better with responding! I've been trying not to go on at work since they monitor out internet usage, but I'm going to check more on my phone. :)
You got the clomid woot woot!!!:thumbup: It sounds like you are well on your way! I'd wait till after Aruba too! Did she say why you're not ovulating regularly? Do they run tests or anything or just let the clomid do its thing?
I was on day 16 of my cycle yesterday when I got the + OPK. I normally have a 30 day cycle and a luteal phase of, I think, 14 days so that was right on target.:happydance: We BD'd on day 12, 14 and 16 so far. I'm gonna go for it tonight and tomorrow also! I got a - this morning but just to cover my bases. I'm soooo hoping this is it. Trying is so stressful/disappointing!
I'm a reality show junkie but I don't blame your hubby for making fun of it. I keep it on the DL;)
Hopefully I can take an HPT before you leave for vacay so I'm not harrassing you with my craziness while you're trying to relax:haha: I am really trying not to freak out so much during the TWW this time - doubtful though!
Hmm I hope my work doesn't monitor my internet usage! That would be a real treat explaining to my boss lol. Nah who am I kidding, I'd totally be fired by now! Pathetic huh?
So let me know as soon as you start taking your meds! And of course your pregnancy test results - how INSANE would that be!?! In the meantime, I'll try not to annoy you too much with my obsession...
You are not annoying me at all! I really like having a buddy who understands! And I actually am looking forward to having time to go on here while I'm away. Dh likes to nap a lot when we're on vacation, which annoys me to no end bc he can nap at home for free, lol, so I'm always looking for something to do while he's sleeping.

I'm really anxious for the Dr. to call me with the results... I haven't heard anything yet! They said specifically they would call today, and around 1 I started realy obsessing about it. And Obsessing makes me nautious, and then I wonder if its nerves or morning sickness. I'm a big ball of crazy this month! ](*,) Even though I KNOW the test will be negative, I still need to hear it from them.

So even though she gave me clomid, I don't think she's going to run any more tests. She gave me 3 months worth and told me to come back in December, so I guess I'm on my own. But I think I've read enough about it that I feel comfortable taking it without all the tests. We'll see what happens.

Anyway... what kinds of things are you going to use to distract yourself during this tww? Do you have any big plans for the end of the summer?
Ok, change of plans. Af just arrived, it all her glory. I guess I don't have to wait by the phone anymore! I'm actually happy. I'm relieved that I now have an answer, and also happy that I wont have af in aruba. :happydance:
:thumbup:I'm glad that you get the relief of at least knowing, especially before vacation! So what does that mean? Do you start taking the meds now or after your AF ends? If you did O on a regular schedule, it's possible you could get pregnant on vacay right!?! Crossing my fingers it could work out that way!!!
Too funny about DH napping, I'd get bored too! Men:dohh:
I have no idea how I'll entertain myself during the TWW. I don't have any vacation plans, except that I have to travel to Vegas for work at the end of September. That won't be all that fun though since I'll be working most of the time:/ I used up most of my PTO with sick days/dr. appts for myself and my son, so I'm trying not to schedule any major vacations in case he gets sick or something. Such a difference in how I use my PTO since I had a kid:haha:
My little baby is moving up to pre-K at the beginning of September and also starts football then, so maybe I can distract myself with getting ready for those things during the TWW. He is a football fanatic!!! My ex loves the Jets and I love the Ravens and even though we both worked hard to brainwash him, he's a die hard Eagles fan. It's kinda funny really. He's young so he'll be playing flag football, which is no-contact. But yesterday he told me that he's going to "attackle" anyone who gets in his way so this should be interesting;)
Besides that, I'll probably just be an obsessive nutcase lol! Are you still working out more? I'm still running 3-4 days a week. And still waiting to enjoy it:nope: It's not making me lose any weight though and that just makes me wanna sit on the couch and stuff my face. What have you been doing?
I love how every time I type out a post, my computer decides to crash and I lose the whole thing! Grrr... my computer drives me crazy...

Anyway... Your son sounds soooo adorable!! "Attackle", awww. That's great that he's starting to play football. We're a big football household too, so I hope our kids play someday too. We're in Giants territory, however I'm more into college ball.

So how are you feeling so far? How many dpo are you? That's great that your staying busy with running. I wish I was a bit more diligent with exercising. I went on the exercise bike for the first time in two weeks, eek! :dohh: I'm really regretting that bc I have to fit into a bathing suit in a week. Oh well. I'm hoping to exercise every day until we leave. Maybe I can lose a pound or two.

As I'm writing this, my dog is laying on my feet waiting for me to pet her. My dogs are like my babies, lol, I have a bit of an obsession with them. We have two black lab/greyhound mixes. Do you and your OH have any pets?
Aww I had greyhounds and labs growing up, and loved both! Are they hyper? My greyhound was insanely hyper, and I know some labs can be too. I've heard that labs are AWESOME with kids:thumbup: OH has a long-haired jack russell - he's very sweet but he's obsessed with OH and vice versa, so he mostly ignores me lol. They go everywhere together and he spends most nights cuddling him on a couch while I sit by myself:haha:
I love football too! I'm glad my son is into it because I think it's much more interesting to watch than other sports. I wasn't sure if you'd be into Jets or Giants. I get confused with the rules of college but I like both.
And don't worry I'm not that diligent with exercise. I go maybe 3-4 times a week, when I have time. Which is hardly ever;) Judging by your wedding pic you'll be a hottie in your bathing suit! I had a c-section with my son and my stomach will never be the same! It grosses me out so I won't wear a bikini anymore no matter how skinny I get. I never got a stretch mark in my life so I thought I was in the clear when I got pregnant. But I got HUGE (I had extra amniotic fluid and he's a big boy) so I got stretch marks all over my stomach:growlmad: I HATE them! I'm seriously considering a tummy tuck when I'm done having kids just to get them off! I know I shouldn't be so vain, but it really does bother me a lot.
I'm 4 dpo now and my symptoms are non-existent. The ONLY thing that's been different is on Saturday I got this awful pulling cramp down really low. Normally I'd think I imagined it but it hurt so freakin' bad there's no way. It lasted a couple hours, then went away. I'm almost positive it was because my son was on the slip and slide and I was crouching down to take pictures, then jumping up so I didn't get splashed. I probably just pulled something. Beside that - nothing! I'm trying really hard not to think about it either way, but I'm sure I'll wanna POAS in a day or two...
Okay I'll stop rambling. Can you tell I'm having an exciting day at work?:winkwink:
Haha, I starved myself for 6 months before my wedding, and I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never be that skinny again. I exercised every day and ate nothing but slim fast and salad to fit into my wedding dress. It paid off because I lost about 15 pounds, but I've slowly gained it back over the last two years. :dohh: However, I think the days of extreme dieting are long gone. :)
My dogs have bouts of hyperness. They're only two, so they are just coming out of the puppy phase. Generally they have 15 minute bursts of energy, and then they sleep for the rest of the day, which is more typical of the greyhound. That's so cute that the dog follows your oh around. I think there's nothing cuter than boys and their dogs, haha. My husband is the same way, he cuddles the dogs on the floor while I sit alone. He would cuddle them on the couch, however I don't let them on since the couch is white and the doggies love the mud, plus the big one is 75 lbs and a little too big to be climbing on the furniture. Dh would let them in the bed with us too if her could, lol.
I defintely understand about stretch marks. That's one of my biggest fears! Do you know if any of those creams work to prevent/get rid of them? Stretch marks and breast feeding are the two things that scare me the most. How big was your son when he was born out of curiosity?
I agree that it sounds like you pulled something. It must be hard to keep up with the little one. The only experience I've had with kids was when I used to babysit, and I was always EXHAUSTED by the end of the day, and I was only with them a few hours. I wish I had the energy kids have!
Hold out as long as you can before poas! I know its easier said than done, and I always end up testing every other day starting 8 dpo, even though I know it can't possibly be positive that early. I guess that's what they make $1 store tests for!
How bout that freaky weirdo that answered my post? Did you see the post he wrote earlier about how American women are awful!? I'm creeped out that he was reading our personal stuff:huh:
I hate dieting! I've read that it's terrible for your body to constantly gain/drop 10-15 lbs. but I do it all the time anyway. My body seems to be very happy with a certain weight and it's so much easier if I just stay at that weight. I can eat pretty much what I want and stay the same, but I'll be 30 next year so that will probably change! Plus that magic weight is about 15 lbs over what I want to be so...
That's funny DH is so attached to the dogs too! I like to think it means they'll be good dads! And OH DOES try to bring his dog into bed, we get into it all the time because I think it's gross because he's outside and in the woods all the time with OH.
I don't know about stretch marks...I was paranoid from the beginning and used cocoa butter lotion every day, but it didn't prevent them:cry: I was a lot bigger though because I had SO much amniotic fluid. I had to get ultrasounds and stress tests all the time at the end. They were worried about his size too - they called me after my first ultrasound and said my son's head and shoulders were well above the 100th percentile so they'd have to keep an eye on him. I was frreaking out since that's the first part you push out! I had him a week early since I got a c-section and he was 8 lb 9 oz. so not huge. They said he'd be between 10-11 so I was happy with that:)
I know I need to hold out to test because I get SO disappointed with BFN's. I hope I can be strong:wacko:
Have you started your medicine? When do you leave for Aruba?
I reported that guy and his posts are gone. That's good, but I'm still a little creeped out! Did you see them? He answered me when I asked you to keep me posted and said he would, then asked for my info. Eww.

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