I started my 3rd tri tea 2 days ago, and have had a headache the last 2 days. =( It has rlt and stinging nettle, the nettle is a diuretic so I'm wondering if it's the culprit. Going to skip it today and see is the head ache clears. I drink loads of water everyday so I'm not sure how I could get anymore in if it was the cause.
merry, praying I won't need an inductuction. I'm scheduled for one at 41 weeks in case I go over, as I'm also afraid to go to 42 weeks as well! hopefully bubba shows up before then on his own, but of course if his naughty self doesn't turn his butt around it's a moot point.
good luck today fj. anyone else that's close showing signs yet? I've decided I need to figure out a way to make sex more pleasant with dh. I know it can help soften up your cervix. going to try the massage a few days and then hit him up on the third day and see if maybe that helps.