Thanks so much ladies. I have a birthing ball, I sit on it. I also lay back with my butt propped on pillows to see if gravity helps. What on the ball helps make him turn?
I know that if I have a surgery things will be fine, I just hate the idea of ANYTHING detracting me from bonding with Finn because I'm extra sore or something. But if I'm destined for a csection, planned is the way I want to go. My friend just had her 2nd baby, was in labor for 12 hours, no progression, started to get a fever so they did an emergency c-section. I'd hate to already be exhausted from labor THEN have a surgery to recover from after that. And if it's planned, I can have helpers lined up for when I get home and DH has to go back to work. Still hoping he turns, but working on being positive if not.