Ohh I went onto 'compare the market' as my usual low car insurance shot up due to the pesky men!! I'm with Allianz now, was with Tesco where the renewal quote was almost £500 more than Allianz!
Tomorrow im interview prepping-I absolutely hate interviews and my mind goes blank so im going to do lots of notes so I can prompt myself, hopefully, and give me more confidence! Give me a pen and paper and im absolutely fine! Anyway job not needed til next spring but that time will come and the NHS can be tricky if they already have ppl lined up-so may need to apply for a few and in advance so I have time on my side. Anyway im rabbiting-my insecurities re interviews coming out!! I'm also having a panic about birth tonight-im thinking about HOW this baby is going to go from my tum to my arms....arrgghhh!!