Hope Dolly is doing OK!
Went to a funny movie last night before checking in, No laughing the baby out. When I checked in last night, my cervix had started to soften which is good news since it was still hard on Friday. They went ahead and put the gel on it to soften and thin it out more. THis morning they started me on saline and were checking my BP and getting me on a fetal and contraction monitors, and I was already having contractions! Before they started the oxytocin to induce me!! Yahoo. The nurse said it could indicate that I have a high pain tolerance as they are now 4 minutes apart and I'm not feeling a thing. Let's hope she is right! They did just start me on the meds to induce about 30 minutes ago, and the doc should be in sometime this hour to see if I'm dilating at all, let's hope so.
Monro, wonderful news about how well the stitch worked for you!