Hi ladies. Just a quick update from my hospital bed. I am officially 21 weeks today. They were worried I might be leaking so they did a physical exam. Not great news. 4cm dilated and membranes are building. I don't think they will do ther cerclage if it still looks like this on Monday. Too risky for infection/rupturing membrane. Looks like I may just be left with hospital bed rest and prayer that she stays put for 3 more weeks to have a shot at life. Little One remains strong and active. She has moved up and hangs out mostly under my belly button. So far no contractions, leakage, or signs of infection or fetal stress. Strict bed rest is hard but I am determined to fight for her as long as she is fighting. I break down and cry several times a day but I thank God my doctor caught it so at least we have a chance. Thank you for all of your love and support.