I must say I'm very lucky, my dd is getting so much support, we have an amazing hv, we had only lived hear a few weeks and within a few weeks she had realised there was a prob and she got us in for apps with peadiatrions eye tests and hearing tests straight away and she had development tests done straight away. We got speech Therapist within a month and we got brilliant support at her Nursary. My dd had one app with speech Therapist and Therapist realised she needed more help and got her into a child development Centre. My dd has been going since January and lady incharge who is also incharge of helping parents sort out extra help and schooling pulled me to one side and told me about autism, and the fact she'd need lots of help at school. I left my dd at the centre for her 2hrs and by the time I'd come back the lady in charge had set up meetings with a specialist school near me, a meeting with dd other nursary so she can see her in a diff environment, she got my dd an app with top pediatrician in county and has started an health assessment form which dd nursary will fill out aswell as her development centre and speech Therapist and pediatrician and me and her father, this form would then be sent off to our local council. This will entitle her to go to top of the list for any school we chose and it will give that school extra funding to help our dd. I realise we are extremely lucky to have this help and it's a comfort to know that everything poss is being done for our dd, she has an amazing support network behind her. The lady from child development centre even comes to my home if ever I need a chat or help with anything. I do understand why they ain't testing her and like her teacher and peadiatrion have said, giving her a label isn't important, what's important is understanding what our daughter needs now and how to help her. Who knows maybe in a few months we won't want to know as some others have said, it won't change anything, she'll still go to the school we choose and get the same help weather she has autism or not.