Being induced tomorrow (39w) nervous!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
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So... yesterday I was worrying I'd go overdue and have more weeks to wait til I meet my daughter but life has a way of throwing things at you. I had my 39 week scan and things took a turn (not a massive turn) but the doctors recommended an induction as she wasnt growing as she should and they couldn't tell if it was to do with my placenta or not.

I'm a little nervous but mostly excited as if Christmas is here lol. I could barely get to sleep last night lol. Anyway I'm nervous because I'm not entirely sure what to expect and I've been told that an induced labor can be a lot more painful than a natural one and I've also been told that that it can also hurt when they try to break my waters etc. I'm pretty sure the moment it's available I'll be screaming for an epidural lol.

Anyway what are peoples experiences with having an induced labor and how long does it take (especially if it was your first baby).

Also will it be obvious when I can invite my second birthing partner to the hospital because I cant do this without my sister and you can only have one during the induction stage which will be my partner. Also in NHS hospitals can they do the induction process in a ward with curtains drawn or are you guaranteed a private room as I would like my partner to stay as much as possible as I'm a very anxious person especially when I'm alone in strange surroundings.
Ive been induced three times in different ways.

Number 1 was with prostin. Labour started at midnight, he was born at 7am. Very straight forward.

Number 2 with propess which left me contracting for 24hrs with no cervical change. Eventually put on the synto drip and had him a few hours later.

Number 3 had my induction started with them breaking my waters as i was already favourable (3cm, soft) and then out on the drip a few hours later. Contracted for a few hours with no change but then went from 3cm to birth in an hour.

Three different experiences but none necessarily negative.
Good luck hun! I was induced on my last pregnancy and lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes! I think people give you the horror stories about being induced, I had a lovely birth over all! It was very quick but very intense which resulted in a hemorrhage, but over all, if I could have got induced this time I would have gone for it! It's honestly not always bad x
Hi there. While I have no advice on induction, it’s my prayer that you’ll have a safe delivery and a healthy baby. All the best. Hugs!
Well mine was not necessarily an induction but it was similar,as I was stuck on 5-6cm for sometimes and they had to start oxytocin drip.
But most of the time these meds help you labour quicker and you dont have to suffer as long as with a natural birth.
I would not say it more painful....I believe contractions are contractions...whether induced or natural. Its yur uterus contracting not the meds. So dont worry hon,.just pray everything goes well.
Best of luck...:D:D
Good luck hon. I was induced on 22nd sep and gave birth on 23rd sep all went well but took a while to get going. But once I got to 4cm it was only 1 hour 20mins and baby was out.
Ure be fine hon.
All the best for your induction! I was induced at 39 weeks with my first a few months ago. They told me it would be about 4 days in total but Contractions started FAST after having the gel once, although I was 1.5cm dilated when I came into the hosp so I’m sure that helped a bit. My Waters broke super early whilst I was walking around and I was only at 2.5cm for about 8 hours. I ended up getting an epidural early on and that helped as I was able to rest a little. Delivery was a bit complicated ending up with episiotomy and forceps as his head wasn’t in the optimum position. My thoughts are that my son just wasn’t ready to come out yet and would’ve been a late one if he had it his way lol. So that may not have been related to the induction in the slightest. All in all not a bad experience but the sudden onset of contractions I found very painful.

Ps my NHS hospital did give me a private room throughout the whole process. All the best as you await to meet your little one XX
Thank you for your replies.
Day 2 and not much has happened. I've had the Prostin gel twice and from my last examination (half 1 in the morning) I wasnt dilated at all. The midwife only said I was opening. I had some wild cramps and tightenings to the point I thought I was 4cm lol (how wrong was I!!)
Just waiting on the doctor as the midwife said a doctor is going to go through a plan with me. I'm only allowed one more gel and I haven't a clue what exactly will happen after that. I've had 3 hours sleep at most o_O so I'm like a zombie at the moment.

I'll keep yous all updated.
I hope that you manage to get some sleep and fingers crossed things happen soon :)
ive had 2 inductions where it has taken 3 days so a few hours after the 3rd gel they would break my waters which would kick everything off properly and baby was usually born within the hour Good luck x
Hopfully it will all kick off soon hon. The tiredness is prob the worst. I hope u manage to get some sleep in b4 baby comes
They came in at 1pm saying they were going to skip the gel and try and break my waters. This resulted in me having a mini meltdown because the vaginal exam felt excruciating. My partner had to calm me down and after a 10 minute break and gas and air I was ready. Unfortunately my cervix wasnt ready. They gave me by 3rd gel and now I'm just waiting for my next vaginal examination.
I'm having to prep myself emotionally for the next one. I just want the midwife to say my cervix is ready and to get this next process ready.
Update: they weren't able to examine me last night as there were a few emergencies. I was told this morning that they're going to examine me and if I am dilated they'll have to wait to break my waters as the labor ward is very busy. If I'm not dilated then they'll insert the 4th and final gel and check on me after 24hrs o_O

I think I lost some mucus plus today (not a lot) so I'm hoping my cervix is at least dilated enough for them to break my waters when they can.

I'm trying to stay patient because staying in this room and all the waiting hasn't been going wonders for my mental health.

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