Being induced tomorrow, share your experiences here!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2013
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So it's crept up on me! It's tomorrow! I've tried everything to hell him want to come naturally! Sex, spicier food, walks, bouncing on the excercise ball! He doesn't want to come out without a fight!

All I know what is going to happen is I call up at noon, ask if they're ready for me, then I go in, they try a tablet thing, then break waters and then a drip, all else fails c section. And it can take up to 48 hours to work. That's all I know!

But I want to hear some real experiences, the good and the bad! I want to hear it! So if you were induced, please share here!

Share share share!!!
I live in the US, but when I was induced with DS1, I went in at about noon. I was checked and told I was 4cm dilated (I don't remember effacement, but I'm pretty sure I was almost, if not all the way effaced). They broke my water at 12:30pm. I then started to finally feel all the contractions they said I was having. They then put me on a Pitocin drip at about 1pm. Contractions started to come faster and stronger. I think I started to cry for an epidural around 2, got it about 2:30pm. I tried to rest, but by the time 4pm rolled around, I was already 10 cm, and ready to push. I pushed for about two hours. When it got to trying to get his shoulders out, I had trouble (was already exhausted), she ended up cutting me (as opposed to tearing naturally). He was born by 6:15pm that same day.

Overall, my experience was very quick, almost too quick. While I was glad for the quick delivery, I wish I had known what I know now back then. I probably would have pushed to just have them break my water, and see how I progressed.

I wish you the best with your induction, and I hope it goes smoothly!
My only induction experience is of the drip. My waters had already broken naturally and I'd been having contractions for 3 days. Then finally they decided to admit me to induce me as my own contractions weren't dilating me enough.

The drip was horrendous. Almost immediately the pain wa indescribable. Agony doesn't come close. I had an epidural which was great until it came out of place and I started feeling the contractions again. They were totally on top of each other with no break inbetween. I remember screaming like something possessed and my poor oh didn't know what to do.

Finally a registra came to see me and said it wasn't working, it had only got me to 7cm (my own contractions had got me to 3-4cm) in the whole time if been there and they rushed me down for an emergency c section.

But because they'd left me for 3 days after my waters had broke (should have only left me 24) my baby was rushed off the special care due to infection.

So my experience was awful, but I know that's not the norm. Loads of my friends have been induced using the pessary and it's worked great, nice easy labours.

Good luck! I'm sure you'll be fine and it will go a lot smoother than mine did!

I was induced with both of mine. First one took a little over 24 hrs, second one only 16. ( ha only) here they just did pitocin.
Just wanted to let you know I had two vaginal deliveries and all was well in the end. Im suree I would've been pregnant for 42+ weeks my babies were never coming out on their own. ( I tried everything too!)
Hope all goes well! I would say mentally prepare for it to be a long process and if it goes smoother/ quicker than you can be pleasantly surprised!
Best wishes, hope you post an update here.
I was induced with my dd after my waters broke without any other signs. They broke at 40+4 during the middle of the night into thursday morningand i was asked to go in and get checked out. I was having contractions about 5 mins apart when i got there so they kept me in but by morning everything had stopped! The whole maternity unit was rediculouslu busy, they have 6 delivery rooms and 11 people in labour and were at the point of transferring patients to another hospital an hr away! Basically the consultant came to see me on the Thursday and said it wasnt really safe for them to induce me because they were so busy and said hed to like to see if i went on my own and induce on the Friday. Friday came and nothing was really happening so he gave me a sweep and a pessary to see if that would get things going which it didnt and on Saturday morning about 11:30 i was started on the drip. Contractions started almost immediately and were fairly ontop of each other but i never at any point felt i couldnt cope. I managed until around 2 oclock and started using gas and air. I was checked at 4pm and was 6cm and at that point had some diamorphine. Checked again at 8pm and i was only 7cm which was frustrating. Had no more pain relief after the diamorphine apart from the gas and air and started having the urge to push around 11 oclock and i was fully dilated. The mw made me wait an hour before commencing to push though to allow the baby to come down and i think just before midnight u couldnt wait any longer so we started pushing. My dd was born just after 1am on the sunday morning so it was a fairly long process but i dont believe it would of been so long had they not of been so busy and i probably shouldnt have been left so long before induction was commenced. I found it a fairly positive experience and wouldnt be too phased by another induction. Tbh if i went to my mw appointment tomorrow and she said were going to induce you id probably be over the moon right now lol
Ihad my 3rd and 5th baby induced. With my 3rd, all they needed to do was break my waters, and gradually my contractions started on their own as I walked the corridors. Baby was born roughly 2hrs after waters being broken. Baby 5 was more awkward, they sgain broke my waters first but I walked miles and no contractions so I went on the drip , they gradually upped the dose over a few hours. When it was up to max the contractions started. It then went really quick and baby was born within the hour of contractions started. I personally after having 2 natural births without induction and 2 with, I dont think induction is anymore painful than natural contractions. Contractions just hurt. So long as you keep calm and breath calmly and dont panic you will be fine. Good luck xx
I was induced last time. They broke my waters at 8am. I was 2 cm dilated. By 9am nothing was happening (no contractions that I could feel) so they started pitocin. The contractions started soon after. I wasn't really dilating so around 1 they upped the pitocin and I got the epidural around 1:30. By 3pm I was 10 cm. they shut the epidural off and I pushed for 15 minutes and baby was out. Everything went very quickly - about 6 hours from when they started pitocin. Wishing you an easy induction!!
With my first I was induced at 37 weeks so my cervix wasn't at all favourable, and it took two doses of Prostin gel to get things going. After around 24 hours of early labour (a lot of which wasn't painful) I got to 3cm and they broke my waters. She was born 4 hours later! With my third I only needed one dose to get labour going, but my waters had already gone and my cervix was 2-3cm.

Best of luck!! I hope the induction goes smoothly and your baby doesn't keep you waiting any longer :)
Hi brighteyes, I was keeping my fingers crossed that you would avoid induction but at least the end is now in sight!
I was induced on my due date with dd. I have to say it wasn't pleasant but I don't imagine natural labour is pleasant either! I had the pessary inserted at midnight, and for me things started happening immediately. By 7am I was 7cm (and begging for epidural lol). Had the epi and then took another 14 hours to progress to 10cm. I strongly believe that if I could have stayed upright and avoided the epi I would have progressed much more quickly and not needed the hormone drip.
My best advice would be try and get as much sleep/rest tonight/tomorrow/during induction because it can go on and I know I was exhausted by the end.
I hope all goes well for you and will be looking out for your birth story!
I got the tablet at 7pm Thursday. I needed THREE to get me thinned out enough, which took 12 hours. I was fed up that I wasn't progressing at all so I asked a c-section that never came due to emergencies. So I asked to start the induction back up. By Friday around 9pm I got the Pitocin. Saturday at 7am my water broke on it's own but I was only 2cm. It wasn't until 9pm that I got to 10cm and I pushed for an hour wth no progress. She wasn't coming down. They gave me more epidural and more pitocin to help bring her down. They told me to sleep but that didn't happen because I had horrible back labor. 1am Sunday she still wasn't coming down and they said I would need to push for another 2-3 hours. At that rate I was DONE! Over 50 hours of labor I just asked for a c section.

I hope it's not long for you! Looks like it goes either way. Some have long labors, some have short. Good luck!
Thank you for your stories ladies! I think I feel much better now!
I tend to hear not so greats stories about being induced and things taking way too long etc. but there quite a few nice and fast stories in there so hopefully I won't be there for days!

I could barely sleep.. Baby awkwardly on my bladder and it's 7.30am and I'm still needing to pee constantly!!

Can't go back to sleep now! Although if they tell me they're not ready for me at noon I will be having a quick nap!

Having crazy thoughts go round my head.. Like how about if I need to pee whilst pushing (everyone already dreads the possibility of #2 happening during labour..) but I need to pee that often is it practical to keep going to pee whilst in labour/later stages towards pushing?! I don't want to pee everywhere!!

Haha oh dear!

Who knows I may call and they're chockablock today and tell me to come in tomorrow! Eee hope i don't have to wait around too long!!

The other half is still trying to steal every minute of sleep he possibly can haha despite saying he wants to be up early and also asking for a coffee that he hasn't touched yet!
Aaaahhh I'm gonna be a mommy soooooooooon
Good luck on your induction. You won't need to wee while pushing. You'll need your bladder to be empty to give baby more room to travel down so you'll be encouraged to wee regularly before pushing. If you can be active and your pushing stage is slow you may well be taken to the bathroom to go again in case your bladder is making things more challenging. Also don't worry about pooing. It shows that you are pushing hard! :)
Good luck hun, hopefully baby will be here sooner rather than later, i was induced with dd2, 47mins start to end, looking forward to your announcement xx
Hooked up to monitor for two hours only to be told to go home and call at 7pm because they're soooo busy :( argh brought all the bags and everything and having to wait for a lift to go home for like two hours :( how pants
Get moving Hun. My sister was booked for her induction. She was checked over and her Braxton hicks were actually mild contractions and she was 2cms. Not too late to get going on your own :)
ah the ring around of waiting to be induced! I didn't mention before but originally I was to go in 8am Wednesday and they didn't call me til thursday at 1pm. Seemed like everyone was in labor all at once!
Eugh I really really don't want to be waiting til tomorrow :(

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