My daughter has a lip tie and I've been told it's very likely she has a posterior tongue tie as well as she has all the classic tongue tie symptoms (which unfortunately we didn't know until after we suffered through 10 weeks of mastitis and her not being able to latch and feed properly and struggling to gain weight).
We use tommee tippee bottles/teats. She does okay with them. Up until the past couple weeks she really struggled even with those, but I've noticed recently it's gotten a lot better and sometimes she can even 'latch' onto the bottle without taking in a lot of air and making horrible noises. I'm not sure it's the bottle or just she's gotten big enough to be able to cope with it. I don't think there is anyone one brand that will be easier than another. I had two friends whose babies also have tongue tie (even though it was clipped, twice!, it still grew back) and they use various types with varying degrees of success. You might just have to do some trial and error. How does he do with a sippy cup? Maybe that might even work better in time.