I don't think there's much you can do (without medication) other than let it dry up on its own, but don't express any, and apparently wearing something tight around them can help. Hope it's not too painful for you x
You cant 'dry' it up as such, just relieve the engorgement.
Dont stimulate. Dont express. If they leak that's fine so warm baths or showers will relieve them a bit. Some say to avoid warm. Cold cabbage leaves are supposed to be good - obviously they will warm/cook in your bra against your hot (.Y.) s so dont go shopping or you'll smell like a compost heap......
You might get a few more replied in FF actually from mum's who went straight to bottles.
Just thought...the enzymes in savoy cabbage leaves (think it has to be savoy) help to relieve the engorgement. Stick them in the fridge first, then score across the leaves with a knife before you put them in your bra x
Expressing for a few days is just like cutting down on feeds gradually - it'll take much longer but be more comfortable.
People who never bf don't express, have a few days of discomfort and then the milk dries up. There's a small chance of mastitis but obviously go and see your doctor if you get any uncomfortable red patches with fever etc. x
Well i expresed after she left But ill just stick it out now. Make the most of Rob having his 2 days off work, any pressure against them was sore and made holding Alex a bit difficult!
Like Sam's mum says, so long as you watch the symptoms in the unlikely event of mastitis, you'll be fine. If you express you are emptying (albeit only a small amount) your boobs and telling them you are using that milk.
It shouldn't take longer than a few days (for the discomfort to go, at least)... people in the FF section who didn't feed at all when their milk came in might be able to tell you x
i didnt breast feed hun as Annabelle wouldnt latch but by about 3 days after giving birth my boobs looked like i had a boob job they were huge!!! and oh god painful it brought tears to my eyes if i touched them which was hard not to as they were so bloody big
i just wore a tight bra and within about 2-3 days the pain had eased loads but they leaked for ages and ages
I just stopped BF and i did nothing, they were soooooooooo sore but it only lasted about 3days and then they went down and after bout a week my milk had totally gone.My boobs just leaked everywhere so i just slept on a towel with no bra on (couldnt stand one on). xx
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