Best way to stop breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2012
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Hi everyone, 2 weeks ago at 15 weeks old my lb decided he didn't want to breastfeed anymore except in the night, so since then I have been expressing and giving him some formula since I don't get enough milk. For the last week I have only been able to express normally 2ce a day and nursing during the night with no discomfort in doing so. But I was wondering if I decided to stop pumping what is the best way to do so and would I be likely to suffer or get mastitis from stopping?
I would see a lactation consultant if I were you. 15 week old babies don't just decide to wean, so perhaps there's something else going on (e.g. tongue tie, lip tie, overactive letdown, etc.)
I've seen my health visitor and a breastfeeding co-ordinator person and we have tried everything he just gets very stressed if I try to bf him during the day and it's not worth the upset it was causing him. He was feeding fine before this so I know he doesn't have tongue tie or anything but he does have reflux and the feeding problems started when it flared up but it's fine now
15 week old babies don't just decide to wean,

I have to disagree on this point, it may not happen often but I assure you it does happen just like some babies wont breastfeed in the first place no matter how hard you try
Growth spurts can make a baby fussy at the breast and there is one around 4 months. I agree, 15wk old don't wean themselves unless something else is going on: nipple confusion, growth spurt, etc. At that age, the outside world is starting to be noticeable and all the world's stimulation can overwhelm LOs at times. I sometimes had to take my daughter away from everyone and go into a darkened room with a fan for background noise to soothe her into nursing.

I would just continue offering the breast, burp him often, try going in a quiet room to nurse.

Sometimes LOs become so accustomed to a bottle they don't want to nurse at the breast to get their milk because it requires work on their part. My son did this when I started working fulltime. The ped. called him a lazy nurser and due to hours at work, using too fast nipple flow, and lack of proper breast pump, location and storage issues, I ended up just going completely to formula at about 4-5 months. I HATED it :cry:

Good luck :flower:
I all aware of growth spurts which he has just started having now 2 weeks after issues started and like I said I have tried everythinf including quite room with no distractions it didn't help, I think he associates bf with the discomfort of his reflux which is why he gets so distressed when I try. I have spoken to my gp and hv and they both say there isn't anything more I can do that I havn't already tried, I am not willing to get my son very distessed at every feed it's not wirth it
If you want to stop, just do it one feed at time and replace it with formula, and then maybe drop another feed after a week, so your body has time to adjust. Be aware that some women can feel a bit depressed after stopping bf.
Hugs mama, it's so hard when you try and try and baby won't go to the breast.

I would either reduce by one feed/pumping session every few days, or else gradually shorten the sessions by a couple of minutes at a time. If you've had no discomfort since you reduced feeding then you might find it goes quite smoothly.
My LO has been fighting his bf feeds since 6 weeks but now (at 14 weeks) he often point-blank refuses to latch and just cries at my boob! I feel your pain, mama. I'm just feeding him when he'll let me and using formula the other times, my supply has definitely dropped and I guess it won't be long before we're ff full time. There's no structure or plan to dropping feeds, I'm just being led by him. I guess you could do the same?
Thats what I'm thinking but I don't want to be tied down by pumping and wasn't sure if I would suffer blocked ducts ect from reduction in feeds/pumping. I would love to continue breast feeding it's not a choice to stol but I'm afraid continuing at the point is very unlikely
I'm the same. I fought so hard to get us bf'ing at all - pumping after every feed day and night to get my supply up etc. but he literally will not latch most of the time now and I just don't have the time or energy to go back to pumping 8 times a day again if it still means I'll be giving him a bottle anyway rather than taking it from me. I'm really sad about the end but I know I should be proud we made it this far. I think I'd be sad about stopping even if bf had gone perfectly for us and it was a year down the line. It's the end of something special between me and my son. I really can empathise with you. :hugs:
Babies really don't self wean under 12 months, and usually not before 18-24 months at the earliest. If a baby is disinterested, there might be another reason, and it sounds like you've pinpointed some things. See this link for more information:
It's completely evidence-based information. There must be something else going on, and certainly uncomfortable feeding can contribute to disinterest in the breast, but it isn't self weaning.

That isn't to say that weaning from the breast is a bad decision in your circumstance, because it might be what you need to do based on your situation. No guilt, it sounds like you're trying your best. You could always pump on the side and combi-feed for a while and see if he's interested in the future, but totally up to you!
I have to disagree on the self weaning before twelve second weaned herself at ten months...she was MUCH more interested in food than my bm...but she walked at nine months and started really eating foods at six months.....
But yeah, four months is kinda early...
Have got tried bf just before or right after nap?

Ye I've tried and I can occasionally get him to latch on for a min or 2 then he comes off, refuses to go back on and cries till I give him a bottle. It must be to uncomfortable for him or he has gotten to lazy now

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