Cedarwood - have you seen my other name posts?! You've picked three of my favourites!
Beth Carra is a definite contender, as are the other two plus Beth Isla. My number one name is Leila, but Mr Windswept is not keen.
Do you think it would be naff to use Carra, which would mean she was named after our most lovely and human-like doggy (passed away 8 years ago, but still in our thoughts every single day)?! Obviously I wouldn't contemplate it if it was a horrible name, but it's a lovely name (and she was the bestest doggy in the whole wide world). Isla would mean she was named after our maid of honour, and Iona would be after our lovely flowergirl - Maisie would just be a pretty name.
Will run these by Mr Windswept, who, incidentally thinks that middle names are a waste of time
Nearly sorted on girls - now gotta start thinking about boys!