Zane is here! Yes ZANE!!! Still haven't decided on middle name yet, but hey took us this long for a first name
3.15pm today (Feb 19th), 38w on the dot (37+6 to them). 8lbs 9oz (3890g)!!!! No length yet as they haven't measured it, hopefully tomorrow.
I ended up being put to sleep at the end because while they were riffling around in my insides stitching me up, it felt like they'd dumped a ton of bricks onto my ribs. Wasn't extremely painful but very very uncomfortable with lots of profanity coming out of my mouth lol.
When I woke up 30 mins later and went to recovery, Zane was very sleepy and grunting - signs he may have a little fluid on his lungs. He's currently in the nursery 😢 chest X-Ray looks clear and waiting for blood results for infection. If fluid treatment is time and antibiotics. Sucky!! Waiting for catheter to be removed so I can go see him. They said maybe tonight but more like the morning.
Hope the pics work!
Will update more as I know xx