BFP - stories, symptoms and support


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2013
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Hello everyone,

We got our BFP weekend just gone and was hoping to find some other same sex parents who are at a similar stage to us or not.

Hoped we could share stories, symptoms and support each other. Because we all know how stressful the whole situation is!

CONGRATS!!!!!! Its such an amazing thing when you find out your prego. :happydance: We did it!!! Our 1st month TTC using at home AI and it was a success. We got our first faint faint line on a dollar tree home pregnancy test 10 DPO, so we started googling faint lines and kept reading the words " A Line Is A Line." So we ran out the next day and got a Clear Blue Digital and got a :bfp: as well. I was soo ecstatic I ran out the bathroom and tossed the test to my partner she jumped up and danced all over the house. :wohoo: :headspin: Everything that we read said that the things that I'm experiencing weren't possible, but they ARE!!!!!!! I'm currently 28 weeks and 2 days with a big and healthy baby BOY!! It's crazy how everything we googled about at home AI and picking the gender of our baby actually worked. So far I really haven't had too many symptoms that i've read about. I have had some tho like heartburn, sensitivity to smells, vivid dreams, back pain, and i've been very emotional every lil thing gets to me and makes me cry. Goodluck to everyone who is TTC and CONGRATS to the ones that already have. Be Blessed!
Blackmoon that's great! Well done and congratulations!

We conceived first time with home ai too! Got a faint line at 11dpo, but struggled to believe it for about five days, getting BFPs everyday but still couldn't believe it.

I'm still worried about the m word from time to time, but just keeping positive!

I'm only 4 weeks 3 days and for the last week I've been having waves of nausea, back ache, dizziness, my bbs have grown and changed in texture and are super sensitive and I'm so emosh! My wife keeps saying "you're a sensation flower at the moment"...a kind way of saying you've turned into a crazy emotional roller coaster!

Yeah me too I was very worried about the "m" word. Even had very vivid dreams about it to the point I woke up checking myself for blood but don't worry everything will go fine just don't stress yourself out about it. But from the sound out your symptoms your very much prego lol. Thank goodness I really haven't gone through too many pregnancy symptoms. My boobies still aren't sore lol and I'm almost ready to pop. My partner always talks about how emotional I am. When we first found out I'd say for about 2 weeks just looking at her would get on my nerves lol I'd wake up in the morning and look at her with the meanest looks lol. I honestly believe its because I'm having a boy. I have no control over my emotions and it really sucks. What are you hoping for? A boy or girl?
How funny about your being emosh with her, I bet that got on her nerves! The things we put ourselfs through for love! Glad I'm not the only one with crazy going on inside! I watch youtube videos about anything and find myself balling!

Lucky for you with your boobs! Mine are sore whenever I take my bra off or the mrs bumps them! My backache and waves of nausea is the worst! The midwife told me that early and often nausea could be a sign of twins! I have twins both sides of my family too! Hope for twins!

I am hoping for a boy, or girl/boy twins....but I really want a boy, obviously I would be over the moon with either!

Were you wanting a boy?

I've had horrid dreams too, I think I'm running on a low level of anxiety about it all. But I am defo relaxing with each day.

Congratulations to you both! or rather, to all four of you of course! This is inspiring, we are waiting to try in 2015 but maybe sooner if all works in our favor-I am happy to see it can be done!
Hey, why are you waiting?

My wife and I waited for four years, we have been together for seven years, but wanted to wait till we brought a place and were settled in our jobs and stopped studying. We planned initially to try when I was 26 but I got a new job and then my mrs went back to school, so we waiting and ill be 29 in August....the wait was hard work, but worth it to feel settled, we still have worries about money, but I think everyone struggles financially when they have a baby.

Well... In short, financial reasons as well here. Neither of us particularly makes a lot of money so we have crazily been living with roommates and saving money where we can. Honestly we still don't have much but OH got a promotion at work and we have alerted the landlords we will be finding our own place come December/January. We have been at our jobs steadily for 4 and 5 years respectively and have that stability. The $300 dollar car payment is finally going to be gone in September which will allow us to save that money, and it just seems that everything is finally going in the right direction. Its about time, OH just turned 32 on Thursday and she wants to bake a bun herself! We are waiting to get settled in our new place next year, and hopefully save a good chunk of money before officially starting to try.
Sounds like a sensible plan.

I think what helped us was that I monitored my cycle and ovulation for about six months before trying so was really prepared and had all the information from the ovulation kit over six months to be really accurate with the date of unsemination. Because you will have the time to do so, I recommend monitoring closely for as long as you can prior to starting which will hopefully mean you can successful early on trying :)

Thanks :) we just recently downloaded Fertility Friend apps and are testing it out. Haven't gone as far as buying anything yet but we will soon, especially a thermometer from what I've been reading. I'm just so excited!
I don't think I got on her nerves really. I think I hurt her feelings more then anything. I was very mean to her but I couldn't control it. I felt very bad at the way I was treating her. But hey it's all better now soooo thats all that matters.

OO goodluck with the twins. I hope you have twins. Its crazy your having very strong pregnancy symptoms soo early soo who knows that might be a sign of 2 babies lol. We were hoping for twin boys. I do but don't want a lil girl I'm very back and forth about it. But yes we wanted a boy so bad we googled how to have one. Our donor came and donated the day I had my positive OPK and again the day after. The closer to ovulation the donor donates betters your chance of having a boy. For the simple fact that boy sperm swims faster but dies within 2 days but girl sperm swim slower but live for 4 or 5 days. It was a very happy and emotional day the day we found out we were having a BOY!! It still amazes me that I'm actually prego my first time trying. You read so many stories about women who have tried 37+ times it's really sad to read. Or the people that go through the "M" word. Breaks my heart. I feel very blessed that everything is going great so far.
I didn't use the temperature thing at all, I took my temp initially but it was so up and down and it just didn't give me the accurate time which ovulation strips gave me. With the strips it was ver clear when I ovulate, I tested every morning from day 10 of my cycle and most cycles I got a positive on day 14, occasionally I got a positive on 15 and 16. We inseminated on day 13 and 14, we got pregnant :) - hoping for a boy too ;)

Blackmoon - interesting that the timing thing worked for you, hopefully it will work for us too!

: x
I didn't use the temperature thing at all, I took my temp initially but it was so up and down and it just didn't give me the accurate time which ovulation strips gave me. With the strips it was ver clear when I ovulate, I tested every morning from day 10 of my cycle and most cycles I got a positive on day 14, occasionally I got a positive on 15 and 16. We inseminated on day 13 and 14, we got pregnant :) - hoping for a boy too ;)

Blackmoon - interesting that the timing thing worked for you, hopefully it will work for us too!

: x

My temps were all over the place too. We relied more on the OPKs then anything. So you tracked your ovulation for a few months? I didn't track mine at all it was kinda spontaneous. My partner was like I want a baby, I said ok lol and that month after AF was gone in the beginning of Sept. I started taking my temps and using OPKs and BAM found out I was prego Oct 1st. I live by the OPKS now lol. I'm glad that timing did work out for us and I pray it works out for you guys as well. It should from waht your telling me because they say you ovulate 24 to 48 hours after a positive OPK and you inseminated on they day of a positive OPK right?
Yup, we inseminated Sunday morning, slight line on opk that evening and the next morning positive strip, another insem Monday hopefully! Finger crossed for a boy :) however I will be overjoyed with whichever my baby is....hang in there bubs!

I monitored for six months so was very sure about when to do insem ;) very luck it worked first time, I have friends who have been trying for over a yr!!

Are you prepared for the arrival? :)
Prepared as in, got all the stuff you need...not emotionally or anything :/ obviously you are that :)
Not just yet we still have a few things to get for him and since I didn't have a baby shower it's just my partner and her family buying stuff for him. I mean I have a baby registry but no friends to buy stuff lol. Since I'm new to the area haven't really made any friends.

I hate reading stories about people who have been trying for years and still no luck it makes me sad. I can't ask if you guys are prepared since you just found out but I'm sure you'll be very busy getting prepared soon.
They don't need much when they are very little do they :)

Fortunately I have 15 nieces and nephews so I will hopefully I will be able to everything but nappies from hand me downs :)

Hi guys what was your preg symptoms!?? We are a week late scared to test again was negative Sunday but she's lots of symptoms

Please any you can remember please let us know

Hi guys what was your preg symptoms!?? We are a week late scared to test again was negative Sunday but she's lots of symptoms

Please any you can remember please let us know


Well honestly I didn't have many symptoms but the ones I do remember is having to pee a lot more then normal. Did you use a digital PT? Because our first tests we used were dollar store tests and then line was sooooooo faint you could barley see it unless you turned it to the side and looked really hard but it was there and they say a line is a line. So we went out and bought a digital and it came out positive. You also might still be a little early for testing. How many days past ovulation is she?
They don't need much when they are very little do they :)

Fortunately I have 15 nieces and nephews so I will hopefully I will be able to everything but nappies from hand me downs :)


I mean I know they don't need much we pretty much having everything but you know with this being our first I want to buy him everything brand new lol. But thats just me but we pretty much having everything just the lil things we need like lotions and lil stuff like that.

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