i cant stand josie
Shes so cruel
JJ told her weeks ago that when he was young he was bullied really badly and called short and names like crab eyes which is why things like that really really get to him now - so now every fecking time there is any kind of argument she pipes up to the other housemates 'ooh, call him crab eyes and hell cry '
And notice that shes the only one who takes the piss out of him about 'oh go cry...he'll be crying in the diary room now etc etc' - wasnt the the one who he turned to as his shoulder to cry on the ONLY time he's cried since hes been in their
Shes cruel, she knows how to push his buttons and she abuses it
I feel so sorry for john xxx
i love JJ, hes like a little boy in every way lol
Hes cute and innocent, but he has tantrums and fall outs like a 10 year old lol
I think i mainly like him because hes the first and only person i have ever seen on BB that i honestly believe barely ever considers what the people watching at home are thinking
I cant believe Josie, I really liked her but shes evil now, poor JJ, I hope she gets pulled in for bullying, shes changed since the new housemates arrived
she is being a cow but way to go big brother, i liked the approach of how to sort it out, I think Josie likes him buts shes jealous coz of the new housemates coming in and shes putting on a front and being fake, her bullying is her being a coward and trying to show the others that shes dominant, thing is JJ acts like this coz he really likes her
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