Come on Team Weird.
Aaargh, that Charlie annoys me. Making out, for the second week running, that its so hard for him to nominate...that he likes everyone...then the minute BB said he would be up for eviction if he didn't say something...he said Freddie in a nano second, and still couldn't remember his name after 11 days, so ignorant. Wants the public to think he doesn't want to nominate anyone, what a crock!
Sree is such a creep, Noirin has to put him straight, I am not sure how though.
Team Dumb seem to be flying under the radar with nominations which is annoying. Dogface and Kris do sod all, apart from preen, get them out!!
I am liking Siavash, Freddie, Marcus, even Halfwit! At least they are interesting, yes I know...strange, but better than the Heat magazine deal wannabees!!
I hope Cairon goes, he is an angry young man and I can't understand a word he says.
Go Team Weird.